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After the success with the Crusader Kings III: Chapter III season pass, Paradox have decided to give the same treatment to Stellaris with Stellaris: Season 08. We also have a new trailer and release date for Stellaris: The Machine Age.

Basically Stellaris: Season 08 will include Stellaris: The Machine Age, Stellaris: Cosmic Storms and Stellaris: The Grand Archive Story Pack for one single purchase. Plus you also get a Rick The Cube Species Portrait instantly when purchasing. Speaking about it they said "There’s a chance that we might experiment with some other ideas that might or might not come out later this year, but Stellaris: Season 08 will include all of the major releases of 2024."

Stellaris: The Machine Age was also confirmed for release on May 7th with a new trailer:

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More about each upcoming addition:

  • Stellaris: The Machine Age (Releases May 7 2024) - Explore the Cyberpunk Fantasies of technological augmentation and digitalization of consciousness by expanding the possibilities offered in game by the Cybernetics and Synthetics Ascension. Address the moral and social challenges that communing with the machine bring to your space-faring empire, and face a new threat looming over the galaxy… or become a new threat yourself, as you tear through time and space to shape reality to your image
  • Stellaris: Cosmic Storms (Releases Q3 2024) - A new phenomenon has been observed around the Galaxy - storms are sweeping through system. Prepare your Empire and brace to face this new upcoming threat, and leverage possibilities that open when your opponents are weakened by it.
  • Stellaris: The Grand Archive Story Pack (Releases Q4 2024) - The Galaxy is vast and full of wonders, and it is up to you to store records of all the unique lifeforms and marvels you will meet. Build a new megastructure, and collect examples of specimens you will meet in your space-faring adventures!

This expansion pass will be available via Steam and buying it gives you around a 20% overall discount versus buying each of them individually. More on that in their developer diary. You can buy Stellaris from:


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It has Native Linux support.

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Pengling Apr 16
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Quoting: Purple Library GuyAnyway I don't really see a Stellaris replacement out there, and I want to play something like Stellaris. There are ten thousand FPS out there, gajillions of platformers, hundreds of puzzle games and so on . . . serious big scale grand strategy science fiction 4X? Right now there is one. Well, one that's any good, there might be one or two others but . . . not really. Which means it must be pretty hard to do, so I'm a bit forgiving of engine issues, and also means I got nowhere to go if I decide to get pissy over not much.
Just a maze-chase fan cruising by to say that I totally get what you mean here - some genres just don't have a lot of options!
Quote$40 base game
$372 dlc
$412 total

I don't understand this mentality in PC gaming as-a-hobby that there's some magic upper limit to what's acceptable to spend on a single game. If I have $400 dollars of disposable income that I want to spend on gaming, it's totally fine for me to buy 15 $20-$60 games; we'll all share nervous laughs about the state of our unplayed backlogs, and several of them will sit unplayed in my library forever or I'll play them for an hour or two and discover I don't enjoy them. But spend that same $400 on a single game that I really enjoy and have gotten over 675 hours of entertainment from? Expressions of incredulity and disbelief!

And it's so strange, because it's not like this happens in other hobbies. Those people who make model train sets that fill their basements, they don't start making a model, get to spending a hundred dollars on it, and go, "Oh, guess I couldn't possibly keep on expanding and improving this one! Gotta start over with a brand new model now!" In lots of hobbies people barely bat an eye at spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars on a single piece of equipment, but a game with optional extras that adds up to more than $150 dollars? Burn those greedy money-grubbing devs!

I could understand this better if Stellaris was only ever sold as a full bundle for full price and you couldn't even get into the game otherwise, and if this were the norm for all games with no cheaper games available, but neither are the case here: Stellaris goes for $40, and regularly discounts to $20, which will still give you dozens or hundreds of hours of fun. I also don't see $10, $20, etc. games going anywhere, there'll always be plenty of cheaper options around if you fancy them instead. If the combined cost of Stellaris + DLC is not worth it, in your personal estimation, that's fine – Paradox is hardly immune from criticism, and have made their share of blunders, and people have different tastes – but articles on their games inevitably seem to devolve into this sort of "Because I, personally, don't find it a worthwhile deal, it can't possibly be a good deal for anyone" nay-saying. I don't play any sort of subscription-based MMO (for various reasons), but I also don't go around loudly scoffing at how World of Warcraft costs $156 per year (at the best rate) because I assume the people who are playing it are getting their money's worth of entertainment from it.

People who are serious about their hobbies are prepared to pay serious money. (As even a cursory glance at hobbies outside gaming will attest.) Everyone has a different limit on what they're prepared (or able) to spend, and that's fine, as long as we respect those differences, and I think it's time we stop artificially limiting individual games to how much we think they should be allowed to cost – that's what the free market's about, after all, a game can only be sold for what people will pay for it.
Trias Apr 17
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Looks like it will be the first Stellaris DLC I won't buy on release. IDK, I guess I'm a bit tired of the game? But I'm happy that now they are outlining their plans for the whole year in advance - and now I know that I have some interest for Cosmic Storms DLC and a lot of interest for The Grand Archive DLC. So I already have plans to return to the game later - autumn or winter sale will probably be a good time...

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