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Tomb Raider 1 open source engine TR1X adds a 60FPS mode

By - | Views: 33,925

The open source TR1X engine for running Tomb Raider 1 continues to bring in lots of enhancements, making it easily one of the best ways to play the original on PC. It also has a Native Linux version.

Just some of what's new in the 4.0 release includes an experimental 60 FPS mode, the ability to slow the game down, an option to change weapon targets by tapping the look key like in TR4+, three new targeting options, optional support for OpenGL 3.3 Core Profile, the ability to move the look camera while targeting an enemy in combat, support for animated room sprites in custom levels and an option to animate plant sprites in The Cistern and Tomb of Tihocan, on-screen messages for certain actions and much more.

See more about it on GitHub.

You do need assets from the original game which you can grab from GOG and Steam.

There's also the recent Tomb Raider I-III Remastered which is Steam Deck Verified.

Article taken from
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kuhpunkt Apr 10
Just a random question. How do you guys pronounce TR1X when you read/say it? Tee Are One Axe? Tricks?
ToddL Apr 10
Quoting: kuhpunktJust a random question. How do you guys pronounce TR1X when you read/say it? Tee Are One Axe? Tricks?

I would pronounce it as Trix (Tricks), like the name of the cereal here in the US. However, I don't know how anyone else would pronounce it.
Ehvis Apr 10
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Oh nice! I've been playing TR1 with this for some proper old school feel, but the 30 fps was a bit of a hard one to accept.

Quoting: kuhpunktJust a random question. How do you guys pronounce TR1X when you read/say it? Tee Are One Axe? Tricks?

Not sure if I actually ever said it out loud. But I'm mostly thinking it as four separate characters, so the first one. Maybe I should switch to Tomb Raider 1 ..... extended?
dibz Apr 10
Quoting: kuhpunktJust a random question. How do you guys pronounce TR1X when you read/say it? Tee Are One Axe? Tricks?

I just spell it out, same as your suggestion.

I also pronounce GUI "Gee You Ai" because while Gooey is a word, GUI is not. Like, would someone say Oohsah/Ussah instead of the letters for USA? No, because that'd be dumb.
Quoting: dibz
Quoting: kuhpunktJust a random question. How do you guys pronounce TR1X when you read/say it? Tee Are One Axe? Tricks?

I just spell it out, same as your suggestion.

I also pronounce GUI "Gee You Ai" because while Gooey is a word, GUI is not. Like, would someone say Oohsah/Ussah instead of the letters for USA? No, because that'd be dumb.
I've been known to, but only because it's dumb.
mrdeathjr Apr 10
In my case run ok with zink and 60fps option is nice

Pengling Apr 10
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Quoting: kuhpunktJust a random question. How do you guys pronounce TR1X when you read/say it? Tee Are One Axe? Tricks?
"Tee Are One Ex", for me. Now I'm wondering what the intent for it is, though.

Quoting: dibzI also pronounce GUI "Gee You Ai" because while Gooey is a word, GUI is not. Like, would someone say Oohsah/Ussah instead of the letters for USA? No, because that'd be dumb.

The one I've had the hardest time coming to terms with is GIF - I used to sound it out with a hard "G", but it turns out the official intended pronunciation was "Jiff".

Quoting: Purple Library GuyI've been known to, but only because it's dumb.
I think I've only ever seen it done as a joke in a cartoon. Specifically, I believe it was in one episode of Dexter's Laboratory, where Dexter's somewhat-dense sister Dee Dee reads out their address on an envelope and sounds out "USA" as "Oosah". I remember finding that hilarious, since I have a relative who used to sound out "UK" as "Uck" for comedic effect in a similar way, at around the same time the show was current.
Quoting: Pengling
Quoting: Purple Library GuyI've been known to, but only because it's dumb.
I think I've only ever seen it done as a joke in a cartoon. Specifically, I believe it was in one episode of Dexter's Laboratory, where Dexter's somewhat-dense sister Dee Dee reads out their address on an envelope and sounds out "USA" as "Oosah".
I do sometimes say or write "USAians", if I want to emphasize that contrary to what many of them seem to believe, they don't actually own all of America. But even then I don't say "Oosah", I say the letters.
Quoting: kuhpunktJust a random question. How do you guys pronounce TR1X when you read/say it? Tee Are One Axe? Tricks?
As an old school UB3R L337 5P34K3R........ My first instinct is to pronounce it as "Trix"........
CGull Apr 11
Quoting: Purple Library GuyI do sometimes say or write "USAians", if I want to emphasize that contrary to what many of them seem to believe, they don't actually own all of America.
The idea that "America" is one continent is pure Eurocentrism, as is the idea that Europeans should be dictating how people in the Americas should speak their native languages, name themselves and name their places. Unfortunately, this silly idea of a unitary continent called "America" is still taught in schools in Europe, reflecting the attitude of disappointed colonialists that this hemisphere is one homogeneous mass that should look to Europe as a model. Some non-Europeans do see the imitation of anything European as inherently better.

The widely established colloquial usage of the word "America" (in English, particularly American English) has never entailed a claim to sovereignty over the entire "new world." The word lacks that content, nobody is using it that way, so to read it that way is to willfully misunderstand the intended meaning.

Almost every government and people in the Americas, in all their variety, celebrates its independence from European bullying on such topics as how they should refer to themselves in their native languages. Someday even Canada will formally repudiate monarchism. That will be a great day.
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