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Manjaro 24.0 released with KDE Plasma 6, GNOME 46, Linux kernel 6.9

By - | Views: 42,890

Manjaro 24.0, based on Arch Linux, has been released pulling in a whole lot of upgrades across every part of the system. Despite a good few screw-ups in the past, Manjaro is actually a pretty reasonable choice for those of you who want a very up to date system with an easy install. It's even the Linux distribution Valve picked in their Developing for Steam Deck without a Dev-Kit guide.

Manjaro 24.0 Wynsdey brings with it GNOME 46.1, KDE Plasma 6.0.4 (with KDE Gear 24.02.02), Linux kernel 6.9 for the latest hardware support and Xfce 4.18. You also get Mesa 24.06, NVIDIA 550.78 and numerous updates to other software.

Pictured - Manjaro 24.0 Wynsdey, KDE Plasma

See their release announcement, along with some changes on their forum. Download from the Manjaro website.

Going by Valve's own survey and ours, Manjaro remains one of the more popular Linux distributions on the desktop. Have you used it recently, or are you using it now? Let me know in the comments how you're getting on with it.

At some point this year we're also going to see the Manjaro Gaming Edition which will come pre-installed on the Orange Pi Neo Linux gaming handheld.

Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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dpanter May 14
Spoiler, click me
a0kami May 14
Plenty of fresh updates, just a few tweaks here and there and works like a charm!!
Mohandevir May 14
Just got the upgrade, on my PC... After the update, I was left with an empty desktop. All the apps had been removed. I had to reinstall the desktop with "pacman -Qqn | pacman -S -" to get them back.

Hu... rray!
mylka May 14
Quoting: MohandevirAfter the update, I was left with an empty desktop.

Poll does not look good. only 62% "No issue, everything went smoothly"

i think i wait with the update.
Quoting: MohandevirJust got the upgrade, on my PC... After the update, I was left with an empty desktop. All the apps had been removed. I had to reinstall the desktop with "pacman -Qqn | pacman -S -" to get them back.

Hu... rray! did that even happen? What?
Linux_Rocks May 14
Judging by how those on this site hate Manjaro, this comments section is shockingly mild thus far.

Last edited by Linux_Rocks on 14 May 2024 at 12:50 pm UTC
Mohandevir May 14
Quoting: pleasereadthemanual
Quoting: MohandevirJust got the upgrade, on my PC... After the update, I was left with an empty desktop. All the apps had been removed. I had to reinstall the desktop with "pacman -Qqn | pacman -S -" to get them back.

Hu... rray! did that even happen? What?

No clue. It's a fresh install from last week. No aur activated. Just flatpaks.

There was an update available. Saw that KDE 6 was installed and during the upgrade, all the apps were removed. That's all I can say.
Quoting: dpanterYay.
Spoiler, click me

That's exactly what I lived with Debian and Debian-like distributions, until I migrated to Arch/Manjaro.
Cyril May 14
Update went fine on my side (XFCE), except a little issue I'm not sure where it come from, with Transmission-gtk, like when I right click on items it appears either black or zoomed, strange.
devland May 14
It's a big update. The biggest in years. It went pretty well considering the switch to wayland.
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