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Ingression is a an unforgiving & mind-bending precision platformer where you'll think and platform with seamless portal travel that will make your head spin. Play as Rina, a thief living in the year 2152 in the corrupt Galactic Empire. Travel to the future to save the past from a tremendous time paradox. Fulfill your destiny of keeping time intact.

It released earlier this month with Native Linux support, and the developer recently updated the game to work better on Steam Deck including better font sizing, along with not saving graphics / display settings in the Steam Cloud so it works better when moving between systems.

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More about it:

  • Portals - Platform with seamless portals like you haven't experienced before in fast-paced & unforgiving levels. Experience the remarkable gameplay portals provide. Travel across the level in just a fraction of a second, gain momentum, and use it wisely.
  • Deadly Threats - Try to survive against countless deadly threats targeting you. Hide from lasers targeting your brain, escape from drones chasing you to death, avoid dangerous spikes surrounding the spaceship, and more.
  • Unique Mechanics - Everything is designed with portals in mind. With countless unique game mechanics synergizing with each other, overcome every obstacle on your way by creating your own strategies.
  • Mind-Bending Levels - Keep sane through the mind-bending levels, and mess with your sense of direction. Complete the precision-requiring levels while your whole orientation keeps changing.

If you love a challenge this looks like a good one to add to your collection.

Available with Linux support on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Trippy. I might enjoy watching someone play that. I couldn't--I would die so many times . . .
slembcke Jun 12
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Haha! I was going through my RSS bookmarks and thought "Oh! I should totally buy this one." Apparently I already did 2 weeks ago. Just hadn't played it yet. >_<
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