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Valve fans sure are passionate and they're once again trying to get Valve's attention to sort out various problems in Team Fortress 2.

For a long time now, Team Fortress 2 (TF2) has had a problem with bots. From cheating to blasting music, spamming hate-speech over voice comms, spamming chats, advertising their bot services, kicking real players and just generally being a massive nuisance. 

So now there's a whole new campaign that has been launched to get Valve to do something more. The website, SaveTF2, explains the situation and asks people to sign their petition that currently has 14,974 people that have given their backing to it.

Valve are aware of the problem, and back in May 2022 they posted on X (formerly Twitter):

TF2 community, we hear you! We love this game and know you do, too. We see how large this issue has become and are working to improve things.

And they have made several improvements since, but naturally the bot makers fight back and so the game is continually left in a rather messy state. Only recently though, Valve did launch the 64bit TF2 upgrade, so Valve clearly haven't abandoned the game at all.

Unfortunately it's likely quite a complicated problem to solve, otherwise Valve would have no doubt fixed it by now. But, perhaps with another push from players like this, Valve might put some more developer eyes back on to give it another go.

So what are the campaign organisers asking apart from signing their petition?

On June 3rd, we’re all going to collectively group together to take a stand against Valve’s inaction in dealing with the bots. We’re going to showcase the absolute magnitude of this issue to the online masses. 

Screenshots, videos, and personal stories surrounding the bots in action, all accompanied by the tag #FixTF2. Alongside this is our petition, which will serve to represent the sheer enormity of how many players Valve’s inaction has negatively affected. We plan on forwarding each and every signature to them at a later date. We hope to gain the attention of as many mainstream gaming news outlets as possible, further shining a spotlight on the issue at hand. TF2 is not dying, it is being intentionally killed.

See more on the SaveTF2 website.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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razing32 May 30
To be honest i mostly played Mann vs Machine with my friends.
Wasn't aware the PvP was THIS bad.
Really curios if it can be fixed without those terrible anti-cheat solutions.
based May 30
"Hi there, would you like to sign my petition?" It wont do anything giving your email to the spam list
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