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Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader from Owlcat Games got updated this week to improve the experience of playing it on Steam Deck.

Currently, it's rated Steam Deck Playable by Valve and Platinum on ProtonDB from users. For Steam Deck, Valve noted it had issues with small text, manual graphics tweaks being needed and you need to manually bring up the on-screen keyboard (STEAM + X).

At least some of those issues have been worked on now with the May 20th patch noting:

  • Added a number of improvements and optimizations to UI and fonts for Steam Deck and controller interface;

That was amongst a whole bunch of bug fixes and improvements across the whole game. Nice to see, hopefully they will have a few more improvements coming there. It really doesn't take all that much to properly support the Steam Deck, as long as it performs well enough.

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Zlopez May 23
  • Supporter Plus
Quoting: dvdI'll honestly say if someone thinks BG3 was worth the full price, they will think the same of WHRG. This is not based on the usual D&D ruleset, but on Warhammer (modified) ruleset, which is refreshing (and a lot simpler than the previous games imo.) It is also turn based, which is a nice change (I hated the RTWP system). Much like BG3, it has been in a good state now, not many bugs. (encountered none on my last playthrough.)

Regarding the RTWP system, I recently played Pillars Of Eternity 2: Deadfire and they added turn based combat to the game, so that is another one you can try :-)
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