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Wraithbinder is an action roguelike RPG with metroidvania-inspired ability progression. It's just about to enter Early Access with Native Linux support from Wizard Fu (Songbringer) and Double Eleven. Note: developer sent a key to our Steam Curator.

The Early Access release is scheduled for May 27th.

Each run you build a different sequence of weapons, abilities and relics. Abilities unlock new areas by allowing you to progress beyond where you could before. You get to keep your armour, status and gold across runs to keep pushing further. Right now it has solo play but the developer is also working to add in online co-op as well. Check out the new trailer:

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Seems like a lot of fun if you love action-RPGs like this. Each run through gives you a randomly-generated dungeon to crawl through while building a new sequence of weapons and abilities. When you discover a new ability you get to choose between multiple, allowing you to craft your experience. New abilities will unlock previously inaccessible areas in a Metroidvania-like fashion.

There's some interesting character customisation on offer too:

In my own early testing the game runs great on Linux with the Native build, tested on Kubuntu 24.04. So far, I'm really liking what I'm seeing here with the theme and the combat, worth a look. It's going to be in Early Access for about a year, as the developer plans to add in all sorts like:

  • Online co-op multiplayer.
  • Cutscenes and other story elements.
  • New biomes, enemies, minibosses and bosses.
  • Many more relics, scrolls, armor and weapons to find.
  • New abilities, gameplay mechanics and objects.
  • A reliquary and bestiary.
  • Additional language support.

With Linux support and full controller support it should also run great on Steam Deck.

Check out Wraithbinder on Steam.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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1 comment

Pyretic May 24
Rogue like? Ew.
Native Linux? Yay!
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