Announced back in early 2024, the Stop Killing Games campaign was launched to try and persuade governments across the world to change the law on games being shut down and taken away from you.
As the website notes:
An increasing number of videogames are sold as goods, but designed to be completely unplayable for everyone as soon as support ends. The legality of this practice is untested worldwide, and many governments do not have clear laws regarding these actions. It is our goal to have authorities examine this behavior and hopefully end it, as it is an assault on both consumer rights and preservation of media.
Part of this is due to what happened to The Crew. Ubisoft said in 2018 they had no plans to shut it "any time soon", then in December 2023 announced that it was being delisted with servers closing March 2024. So everyone was left with a broken game. I should note here, that in September 2024 Ubisoft did announce offline modes were coming to The Crew 2 and The Crew Motorfest but I haven't seen any update on that yet.
From YouTuber Ross Scott of Accursed Farms, there was a UK petition on this last year, which the UK government responded to at the time and closed the petition. But now it's back again, to hopefully get a better answer. From the Stop Killing Games website:
While we originally launched this last year, it ended prematurely due to Parliament dissolving and the government misunderstood what was being requested, so it was never completed or answered satisfactorily. This time it's been relaunched under a new Parliament and reworded for clarity, so it should maximizes our odds of getting a conclusive answer as to whether the UK will consider acting on this issue.
If you're in the UK and want to support it you can do so on the official government petitions website. Once it hits 10,000 signatures, the government are supposed to respond. If it hits 100,000 then it could potentially get debated in Parliament.
Latest update from Ross Scott in the below video:

Direct Link
"Ross would never stop. It would never leave gaming. It would never hurt gaming, never shout at gaming, or get drunk and hit gaming, or say it was too busy to spend time with gaming. It would always be there. And it would die to protect gaming. Of all the would-be gamers who came and went over the years, this thing, this Ross was the only one that measured up. In an insane world, it was the sanest choice."
See? It works.
Last edited by such on 14 Jan 2025 at 8:19 pm UTC
I feel it's pretty safe to compare Ross to The Terminator at this point.
I'm not sure the films would have the same atmosphere if, every time the T-800 came into shot, it had the same "deer caught in the headlights" look that Ross starts all his live videos with.

The Accursed Farms video about it:
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