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[FIXED] Stay logged in option for Steam login
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Guppy Dec 7, 2016
If at all possible I'd appreciate a 'stay logged in' option when using the steam login so you can return later to the site and not need to login again or risk getting signed out mid post.

I assume you are storing a browser fingerprint and using that to check for login status, extending that to the openid logins would be greatly appreciated <3
Liam Dawe Dec 8, 2016
The issue has two parts I need to think on:
- I can't send the data of a "stay logged in" checkbox to Steam login
- Some people may not want a cookie auto-dumped on them to stay logged in with Steam

Guppy Dec 9, 2016
If you need a cookie to do it ( rather than a pure browser fingerprint stored in the db ) you could always make it a setting that you can enable in the Control panel. ( and so check the users preferences as (s)he logs in and set a cookie if desired )

Though to be fair you already set 5 cookies;

__cfduid ( *http* )

so one more properly isn't going to be an issue
Liam Dawe Dec 10, 2016
The problem with browser fingerprinting is that any small browser update will invalidate it, which is why everyone tends to use cookies (it's what cookies were designed to help with after all).

I suppose a good way around it would be a setting in the UserCP.

I might just auto-do it, and see if anyone kicks up a fuss. I doubt anyone will, since no one has ever said anything about the cookies we set now and people who get pissy about it probably block cookies themselves anyway...
Guppy Jan 30, 2017
Did you ever get round to look at this?
Liam Dawe Jan 30, 2017
I actually just took another look at the code, and it now works.

I've changed the way it work to essentially submit the form as normal through POST, so that we can capture the tickbox for staying logged in. Then that redirects to the Steam login section, seems to work now.
Guppy Jan 30, 2017
Glorious \o/
Guppy Feb 3, 2017
Have you changed anything? - I've been logged out twice today
Liam Dawe Feb 3, 2017
Quoting: GuppyHave you changed anything? - I've been logged out twice today
Haven't touched it since it was fixed.

Is this on the exact same device?
Guppy Feb 3, 2017
Quoting: liamdawe
Quoting: GuppyHave you changed anything? - I've been logged out twice today
Haven't touched it since it was fixed.

Is this on the exact same device?

My work desktop yeah
Guppy Feb 3, 2017
I think I've worked out why - have you changed your cookie domain recently?

I've cleared them out and now only have one for ""

lets see if that does the trick :)
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