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The Away Team
Silas Mortimer Dec 14, 2017
Someone suggested to me the game "The Away Team", which I believe is still under development, but very much playable. Part of the reason they suggested it was because it is currently on sale for 20 cents (USD $0.20). My friend asked me to help spread the word if I enjoyed the game. And I'm here because the darn thing is incredibly engaging.

You play an AI installed on an interstellar ship that has six of the last humans on board. You need to explore and scavenge planets as well as keep the humans alive. They all have their personalities, which are handily summed up for you on their info popup. I have to admit, the first time I tried it, I got them killed on the second planet I went to. I started a second time and am doing much better, though I noticed a strange thing where a human who has the character trait of "loner" wandered off because he couldn't fit in some safe area that the rest entered. The text made a point of saying that he was unseen when the rest of the group came out after resting. Then, all of a sudden, as the remaining group is exploring and looking for an entrance to some underground facility, he speaks as if he was with the group the whole time. I just found that a little jarring. Despite this, I'm becoming so involved in trying to not only help my humans survive, but guide them into... I'm not sure yet, but there does seem to be an idea that depending on how I do things, the humans might become more cohesive as a group, or become more confident, or something like that.

Anyway, so yeah. If it looks interesting to you, grab it while it's 20 cents. It comes with a Steam key, as well, though I didn't notice it saying that before purchasing. Here's the URL to the page:
Siinamon Dec 24, 2017
This game is pretty neat! I recently bought it and it is super great so far.
Cheeseness Jan 12, 2018
Quoting: Silas MortimerSomeone suggested to me the game "The Away Team", which I believe is still under development, but very much playable.
Whoops, hadn't spotted this thread.

The game is "finished," so far as these things are normally viewed. It came out in July 2016, and had a Linux port released about a year later. I got involved with the development team last year and helped fix a bunch of bugs/add a couple of small bits of content. We don't have anything to announce at the moment, but we've been talking about doing future updates to the game and/or DLC.

Super glad to hear that people are enjoying the game.
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