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DXVK (D3D11 on Vulkan for WINE) runs Nier Automata!
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Shmerl Jan 26, 2018
Quoting: YoRHa-2BIt doesn't use tessellation or geometry shaders, no deferred contexts, and in general it does things in a rather efficient way (from a CPU perspective).

Can you please ping The Witcher 3 in Wine thread, when you'll think DXVK will be at the stage good for testing TW3 in it already? I'd be glad to run tests and report issues. Tesselation would be one major milestone for it I suppose.
YoRHa-2B Jan 27, 2018
Witcher 3 requires pretty much a complete implementation so I don't see that happen any time soon - will report when it does though.
rafaelcgs10 Jan 28, 2018
Any chance of getting this merged on wine/wine-stagin?
tpau Jan 28, 2018
Quoting: crt0megaNice! I'd rather have that D3D10/D3D11 Gallium state tracker but DXVK looks really good.

Don't you think that once there is a vulkan based converter that the gallium state tracker is no longer necessary?
crt0mega Feb 3, 2018
Quoting: tpauDon't you think that once there is a vulkan based converter that the gallium state tracker is no longer necessary?
De1m0s Feb 10, 2018
Can somebody explain me, how to use that?
I've downloaded the precompiled version (i'm not into compiling), but there are only 2 folders in the archive (x32 and x64), with 2 dlls in every folder (d3d11.dll and dxgi.dll).
How can i implement them to any wine prefix??
tuubi Feb 11, 2018
Quoting: De1m0sCan somebody explain me, how to use that?
I've downloaded the precompiled version (i'm not into compiling), but there are only 2 folders in the archive (x32 and x64), with 2 dlls in every folder (d3d11.dll and dxgi.dll).
How can i implement them to any wine prefix??
Instructions from the readme:
QuoteIn order to set up a wine prefix to use DXVK instead of wined3d globally, run:

cd /your/dxvk/directory/bin
WINEPREFIX=/your/wineprefix bash
YoRHa-2B Feb 11, 2018
The script didn't exist at the time the binaries were released, you can however copy (or symlink) the 32-bit ones to your drive_c/windows/syswow64 and the 64-bit ones to drive_c/windows/system32 (blame Microsoft for naming it like that). That's basically what the script does.
Shmerl Feb 11, 2018
Not every Wine installation is WOW64 by the way. The simplest way is probably to build the DLL, place it in your game binary directory, and add DLL override in Wine settings.
Shmerl Feb 11, 2018
Quoting: YoRHa-2BIt is a lot of work either way, but keep in mind that Wine implements all versions of Direct3D that are even remotely relevant, as well as GDI and DirectDraw. They need to do this for maximum compatibility, whereas this is D3D11 only (maybe D3D10 at some point since it's a strict subset of D3D11) and doesn't interop with anything else.

Do you know what is the purpose of vkd3d project? From the description it sounds it's focused on D3D12 only, but in this dxvk issue there was some discussion that makes it sound like it's for all versions of D3D. So does it mean there will be duplication of effort?
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