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[FIXED] YouTube cookies consent from a RSS reader
ripper Jun 15, 2020
I have my YouTube cookies enabled:

Yet on all pages that I open from my RSS reader (Feedly), I have to click Accept Cookies button to show an embedded YouTube video.

If I copy the URL and open it in a new tab, the YT video is displayed without issues!

Then I switch back to the original tab, refresh it, and it still requires a consent.

This is perfectly reproducible for me. I tested on this page:

* Open the article from Feedly -> cookies consent required. Refresh -> cookies consent required.
* Copy the URL to a new tab, or go to GOL homepage and open the article from there -> YT video shows up out of the box.

What on earth is going on here? Is GOL somehow checking the page referrer and deciding based on it whether to ignore or follow my cookies consent? It's somewhat annoying.

Liam, thanks for looking into this!

Last edited by Liam Dawe on 15 June 2020 at 8:04 pm UTC
Liam Dawe Jun 15, 2020
Hey, sorry about the trouble.

I've looked into it and it appears I accidentally set the SameSet attribute for the youtube cookie to Strict, which might have preventing it being loaded when clicking in from outside. There's no need for it since it's not sensitive info so I've removed it.

Can you re-do the checker on the cookie page (untick/tick) and then try again? :)
ripper Jun 15, 2020
Hi, it seems to be working well now. Thanks!
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