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What native games have you completed?
Rustybolts Oct 3, 2010
What native games have you completed?

I have a few games on the go that I am playing at the moment, but so far I have only completed a small handful.
Of which being:-
Caster Episode 1 (awaiting episode 2)
Eschalon Book 1 (currently playing book 2 will be completed shortly)
Lugaru (downloaded extra campaign The Empire will complete this shortly)
*EDIT* Penumbra Overture *EDIT*

What native games have you completed? And which ones did you enjoy completing the most.
For me my favourite game so far has been Eschalon.
Hamish Oct 3, 2010
Re: What native games have you completed?

Well, recently I have done a play-through of Return To Castle Wolfenstein and Prey, as well as finally winning Doom 3 and Resurrection of Evil. I am now also playing through Quake 4 again and have had a game of Shogo I have been progressing idly through for about five months now. I will not wager which ones I have enjoyed the most since I do not want to devalue any of them, but I will conclude that it is great to love shooters if you are a Linux gamer. ;)
tweakedenigma Oct 4, 2010
Re: What native games have you completed?

World Of Goo
on the rain slick precipice of darkness Episode 1 & 2
Postal 2 and Apocalypse weekend
And Yet Is Moves
Rustybolts Oct 13, 2010
Re: What native games have you completed?

Completed episode one of Penumbra last night(had not finished it due to glitches with my graphics card, seemed to be working much smoother since Maverick upgrade).
Have started Penumbra Black Plague now and have encountered my first enemy creature *shudder* no weapon at hand, so will have to run back to air duct and draw some blood from a dead scientist *shudder* with a rusty syringe. :twisted:
Liam Dawe Oct 13, 2010
Re: What native games have you completed?

Hah awesome i also still need to finish them.

Get some shots up in the screenshots thread :)
Hamish Oct 13, 2010
Re: What native games have you completed?

I was just playing through the Penumbra Collection again myself, being able to win Overture in about six hours and Requiem in two and a half. Not sure how long I took with Black Plague, though I spent some of my time playing that by playing silly buggers with some of the physics effects (What, you mean I am supposed to be scared? Then why can't I stop laughing!?)

Of course there was that poor Wolfie in my Overture play through that due to a clipping bug became embedded in the floor after an altercation with my pickaxe. Poor thing was left writhing and defenceless in the floor, desperately trying to free itself. Of course that did not stop my from stomping and jumping on it. What? The game is all about moral ambiguity! :P
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