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FSR via Proton
1xok Feb 19, 2022

I use a Nvidia GTX 970 (driver 470.103.01 / Xubuntu 20.4). For Nier: Automata and Elite: Dangerous I have set the following launch option in Steam:
Tested with the current Proton 7. I have a monitor with a native resolution of 1200p and the games are set to 800p. Unfortunately, I don't see any effect. Not even if I set
which is supposed to be the maximum. Am I doing anything obviously wrong? Have any of you ever tested this? With which graphics card and resolution? Maybe one of you can enlighten me and also name games where it worked for you.

What is also not entirely clear to me is to what extent this is really driver/GPU-independent. According to my understanding, it is based on compute shaders and they run on the GPU.

dubigrasu Feb 19, 2022
Quoting: 1xokHello,

I use a Nvidia GTX 970 (driver 470.103.01 / Xubuntu 20.4). For Nier: Automata and Elite: Dangerous I have set the following launch option in Steam:
Tested with the current Proton 7. I have a monitor with a native resolution of 1200p and the games are set to 800p. Unfortunately, I don't see any effect. Not even if I set
which is supposed to be the maximum. Am I doing anything obviously wrong?
You'll need a custom version of Proton for this, probably the best and widely used being proton-ge-custom:
This is the latest release: https://github.com/GloriousEggroll/proton-ge-custom/releases/tag/7.2-GE-2

And here are the instruction (listed on the main page):
QuoteDownload a release from the Releases page.
Create a ~/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d directory if it does not exist.
Extract the release tarball into ~/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d/.
tar -xf Proton-VERSION.tar.gz -C ~/.steam/root/compatibilitytools.d/
Restart Steam.
Enable proton-ge-custom.
Alternatively you could use ProtonUp-Qt to manage you Proton version:
1xok Feb 20, 2022
Quoting: dubigrasuYou'll need a custom version of Proton for this, probably the best and widely used being proton-ge-custom:

Thank you very much! In Nier: Automata I see a difference with it. Especially with the text. But regardless of that: Can you see somewhere if the option is really active?

In any case, thanks again!
Xpander Feb 20, 2022
Quoting: 1xokCan you see somewhere if the option is really active?

In any case, thanks again!

If you use Mangohud (Goverlay) you can enable show resolution on it. It should show your screen resolution there while your game is set to lower. This should indicated it is working, unless some other scaling is in place.
1xok Feb 20, 2022
Quoting: XpanderIf you use Mangohud (Goverlay) you can enable show resolution on it. It should show your screen resolution there while your game is set to lower. This should indicated it is working, unless some other scaling is in place.

I see. Thank you for the hint. I have also taken comparison pictures and with these the effect is very clear to see. The funny thing is that the blurring of the upscale doesn't bother me for the game graphics. My brain just filters it out. It's the blurred in-game fonts that bothers me, and FSR works wonders here.

Last edited by 1xok on 20 February 2022 at 10:57 am UTC
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