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Faffing about games
razing32 Feb 21
Anyone can recommend me some games to faff about ?
I loved Graveyard Keeper , so something like that.
Stardew Valley i know about but am waiting for 1.6
I also loved spending hours in the Barotrauma submarine editor - most of what i made was crap but i had fun making it.
So anything come to your mind ? Just some easy game with lots of stuff to mess around with and chill with no stress or rush.
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razing32 Feb 22
Quoting: WorMzyMoonstone Island?


Roots of Pacha?

Are they chill ?
Or are they more challenging ?
WorMzy Feb 22
They're games that you can set the pace in. Roots of Pacha is probably the closest to Stardew. Moonstone Island has a battle system that might be overwhelming (particularly if you accidentally visit an island with monsters that outrank your own considerably, but there's no real consequences for losing a battle). Saelig is difficult to explain, you can play as a begger or the most powerful person in town (and everything in between) and the experience you have will depend on what you want to do.
g000h Feb 22
I would have thought Core Keeper addresses this request. Maybe Necesse. Mindustry (free on
razing32 Feb 22
Quoting: WorMzyThey're games that you can set the pace in. Roots of Pacha is probably the closest to Stardew. Moonstone Island has a battle system that might be overwhelming (particularly if you accidentally visit an island with monsters that outrank your own considerably, but there's no real consequences for losing a battle). Saelig is difficult to explain, you can play as a begger or the most powerful person in town (and everything in between) and the experience you have will depend on what you want to do.

I think i actually have Saeling.
Roots of Pacha sounds good and even has a small discount now.
Not really a fan of the creature battlers so Moonstone Island may not be for me.
razing32 Feb 22
Quoting: g000hI would have thought Core Keeper addresses this request. Maybe Necesse. Mindustry (free on

Core Keeper is great ... in the beginning.
After that , well , let's just say fighting the bosses is like trying to punch a skyscraper to death.

I have Necesse , I played it and enjoyed it. BUT . I made the fatal mistake of allowing raids.
First one was a bunch of naked hobos. Second one was a bunch of ruffians wearing cloth and bronze.
Third one was a horde wearing Void , Ivy and even Tungsten. I lost some of my most rare NPCs ( including the pawnbroker ) and since then every time i think of Necesse my blood pressure spikes by a few points.
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