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Overload, the shiny new six-degree-of-freedom shooter has entered Early Access
By AlveKatt, 20 March 2017 at 3:20 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: M@GOidI have to ask: were is the HUD?

The demo has both HUD and cockpit. I don't know why they decided to not have that in the trailer, maybe it wasn't done yet when they made it.

Star Citizen to use Vulkan instead of DirectX 12 and drop DirectX 11 eventually
By bubexel, 20 March 2017 at 2:45 pm UTC

Quoting: Eike
Quoting: lucifertdarkThe bits I've seen look amazing & could probably be made into separate games in their own right, but I couldn't justify spending that much on a single game however good it is.

25 years ago, Monkey Island costed about 100 Deutsche Mark, translating to 50 Euros, inflation corrected to today about 75 Euros. Computer games got very, very much more complicated - and surprisingly cheap. (Of course, none of this is increasing your budget.)

25 years ago they need to release in a cd-rom or disquettes on shops. Make copies, distribution, shopper, etc. Nowdays you can upload it, and with just one click you download. It's the reason the game is much more cheaper.

Overload, the shiny new six-degree-of-freedom shooter has entered Early Access
By bubexel, 20 March 2017 at 2:39 pm UTC

It works with vr on linux? mmh i should try it out. I will at back to home.

All of the 'Aveyond' 2D RPG games are now available on Linux
By Dreakon, 20 March 2017 at 2:30 pm UTC Likes: 2

I've only played Aveyond 4 and I thought it was great. The combat reminded me a lot of the older Final Fantasy games (like 4 and 5) and the story was pretty good with a lot of comedy thrown in.

Star Citizen to use Vulkan instead of DirectX 12 and drop DirectX 11 eventually
By Eike, 20 March 2017 at 1:59 pm UTC

Quoting: lucifertdarkThe bits I've seen look amazing & could probably be made into separate games in their own right, but I couldn't justify spending that much on a single game however good it is.

25 years ago, Monkey Island costed about 100 Deutsche Mark, translating to 50 Euros, inflation corrected to today about 75 Euros. Computer games got very, very much more complicated - and surprisingly cheap. (Of course, none of this is increasing your budget.)

Overload, the shiny new six-degree-of-freedom shooter has entered Early Access
By M@GOid, 20 March 2017 at 1:53 pm UTC

I am one of those that played a lot of Forsaken and very little of Descent.

Looking at the Overload video, I have to ask: were is the HUD? It's very strange to fly around without any kind o information on the screen.

Overload, the shiny new six-degree-of-freedom shooter has entered Early Access
By pete910, 20 March 2017 at 1:31 pm UTC Likes: 3

[url=httpshttps://descendentstudios.com/://descendentstudios.com/]Decent underground anyone [/url] :P

Quoting: DuckeenieReminds me a lot of forsaken.. Actually I'm surprised at how well those graphics have held up.

Was a huge fan back in the day :D

Edit, Which you can still play and on linux


Looks like the open source Vulkan driver 'radv' for AMD conforms nicely
By HollowSoldier, 20 March 2017 at 1:30 pm UTC Likes: 1

Nice. Time to work on performance.

Star Citizen to use Vulkan instead of DirectX 12 and drop DirectX 11 eventually
By lucifertdark, 20 March 2017 at 1:18 pm UTC

Quoting: EikeIt's a really strange hype.

But beyond hype and hate, they are planning very ambitious stuff - and they actually started delivering.
I'm very curious where they will get.
The bits I've seen look amazing & could probably be made into separate games in their own right, but I couldn't justify spending that much on a single game however good it is.

Overload, the shiny new six-degree-of-freedom shooter has entered Early Access
By Duckeenie, 20 March 2017 at 12:30 pm UTC Likes: 2

Reminds me a lot of forsaken.. Actually I'm surprised at how well those graphics have held up.

Overload, the shiny new six-degree-of-freedom shooter has entered Early Access
By micha, 20 March 2017 at 12:12 pm UTC

Maybe I missed something but on launch the EA version didn't have much more content than the demo. On the positive side, controls are super good and works great with the Steam Controller. Also it's running great performance wise.

Star Citizen to use Vulkan instead of DirectX 12 and drop DirectX 11 eventually
By Eike, 20 March 2017 at 11:38 am UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: lucifertdarkSomeone I know out in the real world has spent £600+ on it, I almost feel sorry for them.

It's a really strange hype.

But beyond hype and hate, they are planning very ambitious stuff - and they actually started delivering.
I'm very curious where they will get.

Star Citizen to use Vulkan instead of DirectX 12 and drop DirectX 11 eventually
By lucifertdark, 20 March 2017 at 11:24 am UTC Likes: 1

Someone I know out in the real world has spent £600+ on it, I almost feel sorry for them.

Kerbal Space Program expansion 'Making History' announced with some fun new tools
By lucifertdark, 20 March 2017 at 11:22 am UTC

Quoting: GuestThat game is one of my worst game purchases ever. Who makes a multi platform game and makes it to use Windows only fonts. Got to love it when you start up the game and there is not text anywhere.
Not many people come across that problem because most have the fonts installed during the initial setup of their distro, or very soon after.

Wine 2.4 released, more Direct3D command stream work towards better performance
By minidou, 20 March 2017 at 11:11 am UTC

QuoteBuilt-in implementation of cryptographic hashes.

Star Citizen to use Vulkan instead of DirectX 12 and drop DirectX 11 eventually
By nattydread, 20 March 2017 at 11:02 am UTC Likes: 2

They are actually going to finish the game?

Looks like the open source Vulkan driver 'radv' for AMD conforms nicely
By Liam Dawe, 20 March 2017 at 10:49 am UTC

Quoting: STiAT
Quoting: JajcusPlease note that not every 'Not supported' means that anything is missing. A Vulkan driver needs only to support what is in the hardware (e.g. only the supported image formats) and only what makes sense for the platform (I don't think that 'win32' extensions would ever be supported in radvd).

'Failed: 0' is the most important part of the conformance tests results.

Indeed, it would be interesting what's actually "not implemented" and what "won't be implemented". Actually, that games already run using radv is a sign that it probably isn't that far from completion.
radv doesn't currently have tessellation support, so that's a big thing missing a lot of games need.

Looks like the open source Vulkan driver 'radv' for AMD conforms nicely
By STiAT, 20 March 2017 at 10:36 am UTC

Quoting: JajcusPlease note that not every 'Not supported' means that anything is missing. A Vulkan driver needs only to support what is in the hardware (e.g. only the supported image formats) and only what makes sense for the platform (I don't think that 'win32' extensions would ever be supported in radvd).

'Failed: 0' is the most important part of the conformance tests results.

Indeed, it would be interesting what's actually "not implemented" and what "won't be implemented". Actually, that games already run using radv is a sign that it probably isn't that far from completion.

Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter should get the Fusion update with Linux & Vulkan on Monday or Tuesday
By STiAT, 20 March 2017 at 10:31 am UTC

Quoting: wolfyrionwell lets hope they will NOT create another version of the game

Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter for Mac & Linux

I highly doubt that, it's not what Croteam has been doing and I highly doubt it's what Croteam will be doing. They brought Linux support for everything always with the base game, cross-platform was always free for all of their games. That they sell extra features as VR support etc. is in my eyes understandable (I wouldn't be buying VR support because I ain't got VR and I'm simply not interested at all in VR).

What I guess they'll be doing:
Put out a beta build to be installed as they did with The Talos Principle for us to choose in Steam options if you have the original game.

Star Citizen to use Vulkan instead of DirectX 12 and drop DirectX 11 eventually
By STiAT, 20 March 2017 at 10:23 am UTC Likes: 4

As I expected. One of the core concerns of developers will be the Windows 7&8 support to favor Vulkan over DX12. Taking Steam surveys, they're at roughly 39 % together (64bit only), which is probably not an audience of potential customers you want to miss.

I didn't mention Linux? Right, because a Linux port because of Vulkan is more likely to happen than before because porting will be easier, but we're still a small enough audience to be ignored by publishers / developers anyway :D.

Though, I like that prominent developers and projects voice for Vulkan, because I really hope that the open API this time makes the reace over the proprietary DX12. Even though, I still think a major interest by developers for Vulkan is still because of Android, it could help Vulkan to succeed as a graphics API.

Looks like the open source Vulkan driver 'radv' for AMD conforms nicely
By Jajcus, 20 March 2017 at 10:23 am UTC Likes: 1

Please note that not every 'Not supported' means that anything is missing. A Vulkan driver needs only to support what is in the hardware (e.g. only the supported image formats) and only what makes sense for the platform (I don't think that 'win32' extensions would ever be supported in radvd).

'Failed: 0' is the most important part of the conformance tests results.

Looks like the open source Vulkan driver 'radv' for AMD conforms nicely
By STiAT, 20 March 2017 at 10:08 am UTC Likes: 1

Wow, more than 50 % already passing. Didn't know they got along that well in the past month.

Star Citizen to use Vulkan instead of DirectX 12 and drop DirectX 11 eventually
By buenaventura, 20 March 2017 at 7:37 am UTC Likes: 1

AAA hahahahaha pwnd

Star Citizen to use Vulkan instead of DirectX 12 and drop DirectX 11 eventually
By Aryvandaar, 20 March 2017 at 7:05 am UTC Likes: 1

This is awesome! We need more high profile developers supporting vulkan.

I have a SSD with W10 in my desk drawer (I don't use dual boot anymore). I kinda need to know W10 for work, although I almost always use Linux at home.

Star Citizen to use Vulkan instead of DirectX 12 and drop DirectX 11 eventually
By Kuduzkehpan, 20 March 2017 at 7:03 am UTC Likes: 2

BTW They have native server support already running on linux. Some paradgim changes left to finalise moving to vulkan
as their long term goals VR, Cross-platform VULKAN is a must. Eventually cryengine-> Amazon's "Lumberyard"-> StarEngine natively supports VULKAN and VR
keep up the good job devs.

Star Citizen to use Vulkan instead of DirectX 12 and drop DirectX 11 eventually
By Joeyboots80, 20 March 2017 at 6:24 am UTC Likes: 3

This is great news. The more devs that embrace Vulkan over DX12 the better.

Star Citizen to use Vulkan instead of DirectX 12 and drop DirectX 11 eventually
By nate, 20 March 2017 at 5:59 am UTC

Good to hear. I want Star Citizen to be successful. I plan on building a new computer in a year or two and I'd like there to be at least one game out with a native Linux version then that can take full advantage of my next machine.

Star Citizen to use Vulkan instead of DirectX 12 and drop DirectX 11 eventually
By TheRiddick, 20 March 2017 at 5:43 am UTC

I'm using Win7 atm but will likely move to win10 once I setup my ryzen rig later in the year because MS are pulling a non-support policy for older OS with Ryzen (somehow). I thought AMD and vendors would maintain driver support?

Star Citizen to use Vulkan instead of DirectX 12 and drop DirectX 11 eventually
By wolfyrion, 20 March 2017 at 5:40 am UTC Likes: 3

Windows 10 is doing fine and many people started installing them on their machines.

The truth is that many people are pirating windows and they are using some tools to remove all the bloatware that Microsoft gave them from the start + remove any ongoing updates.
Others who legally purchased Windows they just using the tools to remove the bloatware and allow the updates.
Some games like Resident Evil 7 look stunning with DirectX 12 and thats one more reason why people are installing Windows 10.It will be a miracle to see developers like Bandai,CAPCOM and so on to support Linux and Vulkan... I think Microsoft pays them a lot. Microsoft tries to integrate Xbox and Window Games. I mean you have purchased your game on Windows, you can play it on xbox as well.

Many people really dont have a clue what an OS is... and for them is just a launcher to run their favorite game or application, nothing more , nothing less..

For business is a bit different , I can say is a bit more crucial , every delay of the system it costs to them and will start complaining about why their system is not fast and so on. Well with SSD's we solve half of the problem but we cant get rid off windows :P

Anyway hopefully Vulkan will change the world of gaming :)

As about the game since I have stopped playing MMO's I dont think I will play it...
Especially this game which has to do with science fiction/space/technology/universe/spaceships and so on...

I am just a Barbarian Warrior who likes to fight with a sword and shield...:D