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The GOL website source is now open to everyone
By wojtek88, 23 January 2017 at 5:41 pm UTC Likes: 4

First of all, great that you went open-source. Congrats!

But, with great power comes great responsibility...

So I will leave my notes here. You can do with them whatever you want :).

Let me start with this sentence - I'm not a PHP developer. I just wanted to see the overall quality of the code.

I have to say that I see very huge difference between code in gamingonlinux/includes/hashids directory while comparing with other code of the system. Object-oriented approach looks much better from my perspective, and I would follow it in the rest of the code.

What's more - I just took a look on one random file and I found commented code (gamingonlinux/includes/crons/itch_games_import.php). I would strongly recommend that you avoid leaving such a stuff in the code - it makes the code very hard to read and it gives no value. If you want to see old portion of business logic, you should find it in the VCS. Leaving it in code is pointless.

And the general note - I see that you tend to use magic numbers and values that have some meaning for you, but it's very hard to find out from the code their meaning while looking at one file. I come from Object-oriented world, so I have Object-oriented manners, but for me it's hard to read file like:
Where you can find many numbers with some meaning, but without a constant that would suggest the meaning with it's name. And what's more I guess there is a bug:

if ($title_length >= 55)
$title = substr($comments['title'], 0, 65);

You test against 55 and assume that string has 65 characters. This is a great sample where constant like "MAX_COMMENT_TITLE_NAME" would help to avoid such an error. There are more places to improve in this file, like having pagination config and reading pagination information from it, etc.

Don't get me wrong Liam, I'm very pleased you've opened the code of the site. I just wanted to share with you my comments, You can do with them whatever you want, I just want to share with you my remarks. Maybe you have your reasons to have different opinion, so we can argue for a moment ;)

Some thoughts on switching from Ubuntu to Antergos for Linux gaming
By Ads20000, 23 January 2017 at 5:35 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: natewardawg
Quoting: tuubi
Quoting: natewardawgAlso, I think from now on if I do put someone on Ubuntu I'm going to set the "Notify me of a new Ubuntu version:" to "Never".
If you can't be there to provide support, just stick to LTS releases (or Mint, or even Debian stable). Doesn't sound like these users need all the latest bells and whistles anyway. That'll give them years of safe security updates and not much else.

It was actually set to "LTS releases only", this is what caused the machine to break. :(

edit: It was being upgraded from 14.04 to 16.04, she saw the button to upgrade and pressed it. Now she has an unusable machine. "Never" would have been the better option in this case. I've personally had LTS upgrades break machines in the past. So, IMHO it's better to either nuke and pave or, since I'm not there to provide support, to just not allow the upgrade at all.

That's sad :( I suppose they (or 'we'? I'd like to consider myself part of the Ubuntu community!) can't test every different set of packages installed and hardware configuration and see if an LTS update breaks each particular set up. I think by default the Backup program appears when you've had Ubuntu installed for a while so people should keep their computer backed up and then it's not *so* much of a problem. Still, if you're on Ubuntu LTS at least if you upgrade your computer every 2 (or every 4) years then if it breaks each time it's only breaking that much. With Arch/Antergos/Manjaro any update could break your system (there was a recent Antergos update that broke LightDM, for example). Some say it's stable, but that might only be for their particular configuration or they're manually selecting what updates to install rather than doing it automatically or they're doing some other manual configuration which a Windows-level knowledge user would not know how to do. Ubuntu remains the most user-friendly-yet-advanced Linux distro in my opinion (though granted it hasn't seen much development recently because Ubuntu's trying to get Unity 8 on Snappy to work).

The interesting survival game 'Raft' has dropped Linux support
By Perkeleen_Vittupää, 23 January 2017 at 5:08 pm UTC

And already i spread the word about (also) this game quite a bit for the sake of Linux. Oh well, we should learn from these. I too want to email them about the details of their problems even though they seem to be just through..

The interesting survival game 'Raft' has dropped Linux support
By psymin, 23 January 2017 at 5:02 pm UTC

I'd buy it if they committed to linux :)

Heck, I'm sure a bunch of us would be willing to test and report bugs too :)

A developer of the awesome itch games client has a blog post on compressing files for updates
By Doc Angelo, 23 January 2017 at 4:32 pm UTC

Quoting: barottoFair enough, just remember the less fortunate people out there suffering with their crappy 7mbit ADSL...
Also, good luck! :)

7Mbit is crappy? I don't even want to know what my 2Mbit would be called... :(

The open source itch games client has updated again
By Nezchan, 23 January 2017 at 4:22 pm UTC

Come to think of it, leafo, there is one little quality of life thing I noticed that could use addressing sometime. When I go into, say, Linux games, there's a sidebar with various options. When I look at a game's page from there, I get a sidebar on the other side with the "Install" or "Buy now" buttons and so forth. But if I hit the back button, the game's sidebar remains and the search options sidebar doesn't come back. The only way to restore it is to go back to the front page again, and hit Linux games all over again.

Not the biggest priority or anything, but I think it would facilitate searching and checking things out a bit more if that were taken care of.

The open source itch games client has updated again
By Nezchan, 23 January 2017 at 4:15 pm UTC

Quoting: leafo
Quoting: KelsI really wish the client would detect that I'm running Linux, and stop offering me non-Linux games in the frontpage. Out of the 10 "Recommended for you" games, only half of them have the penguin icon. The ratio is even lower in the "Latest featured games" section. Admittedly it took Steam a while to start separating like that, but I'd hope Itch would learn from Valve's mistakes.
Your wish is my command. I've just pushed out an update that will only show games that are available for your platform on the app's homepage. Tell me if you can think of any other things to change.

I'm a little ashamed we didn't do this sooner since I even do all my development on linux.

That is marvellous, and looking at the client now it seems to work perfectly. Thanks for your attention to this.

The GOL website source is now open to everyone
By Gobo, 23 January 2017 at 4:11 pm UTC Likes: 1

Thumbs up for GitLab! I might still have my own instance running on a hidden server at work, never checked after my co-workers never understood the benefits of running a version control system...

Small bug report here as I didn't want to sign up at GitLab after having a quick peek at your code: when you set $year in calendar_ical.php you seem to have borked the google bot path with the empty content. As of right now calling calendar_ical.php without setting the year parameter will most likely invalidate your SQL later on. I guess in case of an empty $_GET['year'] you might want to set $year = date( "Y" ) just like the first branch.

Additionally, it seems you copied code from calendar_ical.php to livestreams_ical.php, as it has the same issue in setting $year. But this time, $year is not even used anywhere afterwards, so it would be best to just strip lines 16 to 27 in that file.

The interesting survival game 'Raft' has dropped Linux support
By Nezchan, 23 January 2017 at 4:08 pm UTC Likes: 1

Tremendously disappointing to lose a game with this much potential. I've played a good deal of it in the previous state, and it's got a solid foundation (well, figuratively at least). I guess the option is still there to run it in Wine, but I don't really consider that a good option by any means.

I really hope they reconsider. As far as good games on Itch goes, this is a real loss.

Competition: Win a key for the metroidvania-style game King Lucas
By tuubi, 23 January 2017 at 3:00 pm UTC Likes: 4

Brave, brave sir Tux

(Quick Inkscape doodle based on the new avatar I drew a few days ago.)

EDIT: Fixed.

Competition: Win a key for the metroidvania-style game King Lucas
By NovenTheHero, 23 January 2017 at 2:50 pm UTC Likes: 2

Here is my best (I'm not kidding. I am actually proud I was able to do this good).

The GOL website source is now open to everyone
By tmtvl, 23 January 2017 at 2:41 pm UTC Likes: 3

Quoting: CorbenIf you want to host your own github-like service, have a look at GoGS on https://github.com/gogits/gogs/ or its fork GiTea on https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea

Or Kallithea or Gitprep or Apache Allura or... IDK, GitLab CE?

But seriously, good on you, Liam. Always nice to have people open source their stuff so it can both be scrutinized by the community and used as example for learners.

A developer of the awesome itch games client has a blog post on compressing files for updates
By whatever, 23 January 2017 at 2:07 pm UTC

Quoting: fasterthanlimeThis thread is full of colorful words so I'll just add this disclaimer: we're a small team building a company with no external funding.

Fair enough, just remember the less fortunate people out there suffering with their crappy 7mbit ADSL...
Also, good luck! :)

The GOL website source is now open to everyone
By Liam Dawe, 23 January 2017 at 2:06 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: minidougreat, what can we help with?
Pointing out glaring errors and flaws would be a big help right now.

Monumental Failure is absolutely hilarious, a game you just need to try
By DasCapschen, 23 January 2017 at 2:01 pm UTC

It's kinda sad that I was surprised Steam didn't say "Early Access" when I clicked on the link :/
Anyway, the game looks pretty fun, might give it a try :D

The GOL website source is now open to everyone
By minkiu, 23 January 2017 at 2:00 pm UTC

Quoting: LeviI've been helping Liam with code off and on. You'll maybe notice a few issues are mine.
Past few weeks I haven't been as involved as I'd like but still know enough to answer most questions should Liam not get around to it ^_^

Quoting: M@yeulCYippeeee !
Though the site really seems to work well now, there's not a lot of missing features... @Mentions, maybe?
Anyway, it's great to have a way of fixing issues as they arise; though you were already quite reactive :)

That has been on my wishlist for a long time too. I haven't been able to come up with a good method of detecting when the "@name" is actually a username or something else. Preferable now and in past comments. All methods I've come up with would require many DB calls.
It would be a prime candidate for integration with the new notification menu.

On th ementions thing, maybe you could do a JSOn export of the usernames/urls to those, and do the matching on PHP if true, repormat the @username to a href?

The GOL website source is now open to everyone
By minidou, 23 January 2017 at 1:55 pm UTC Likes: 1

great, what can we help with?

The GOL website source is now open to everyone
By Levi, 23 January 2017 at 1:34 pm UTC Likes: 3

I've been helping Liam with code off and on. You'll maybe notice a few issues are mine.
Past few weeks I haven't been as involved as I'd like but still know enough to answer most questions should Liam not get around to it ^_^

Quoting: M@yeulCYippeeee !
Though the site really seems to work well now, there's not a lot of missing features... @Mentions, maybe?
Anyway, it's great to have a way of fixing issues as they arise; though you were already quite reactive :)

That has been on my wishlist for a long time too. I haven't been able to come up with a good method of detecting when the "@name" is actually a username or something else. Preferable now and in past comments. All methods I've come up with would require many DB calls.
It would be a prime candidate for integration with the new notification menu.

Wine-Staging 2.0-rc6 release, includes more D3D11 work
By ziabice, 23 January 2017 at 1:27 pm UTC Likes: 1

I'm currently playing Dragon's Dogma using WINE Staging 2.0rc5 + CSMT and it works like a charm, very impressed. It works better using Gallium Nine patches, but is less stable.

The interesting survival game 'Raft' has dropped Linux support
By Nanobang, 23 January 2017 at 1:23 pm UTC

I downloaded a version sometime last week, though I haven't played it beyond starting it up. It seemed to work, so maybe I'll get lucky and will be able to play the version as long as I don't update it.

It is a pity that it won't be on the most important platform ever, but a lot of aspiring Linux game makers are simply not of a high enough caliber and must fall back to one step above Flash games: Windows.

So, Raft isn't coming to Linux? Ummmmmmm --- yup. I'm already over it.

Monumental Failure is absolutely hilarious, a game you just need to try
By Liam Dawe, 23 January 2017 at 1:21 pm UTC

Quoting: SmilexHow complicated is the game? If I were to introduce this game as a ice breaker for a party, can I expect people to be able to just pick up and play?
VERY simple. All you actually do is move people on the screen, the majority is up to the physics :D

Monumental Failure is absolutely hilarious, a game you just need to try
By wvstolzing, 23 January 2017 at 1:16 pm UTC Likes: 4

I'm sure I'd be great at this game.
Considering that my life is itself a monumental failure, it should be a breeze.

Monumental Failure is absolutely hilarious, a game you just need to try
By Xpander, 23 January 2017 at 1:14 pm UTC Likes: 3

It is really fun yeah. coop specially :D
Its stupid fun, like gangbeasts :)

As always, gameplay video:
View video on youtube.com

Wine-Staging 2.0-rc6 release, includes more D3D11 work
By sr_ls_boy, 23 January 2017 at 1:13 pm UTC

Has anyone tried witcher 3, lately? The bug report for the
game was talking about 'deferred rendering contexts'.
If I read it right, this should get it to work.

bug report

Monumental Failure is absolutely hilarious, a game you just need to try
By Smilex, 23 January 2017 at 1:06 pm UTC

How complicated is the game? If I were to introduce this game as a ice breaker for a party, can I expect people to be able to just pick up and play?

The GOL website source is now open to everyone
By Corben, 23 January 2017 at 12:56 pm UTC Likes: 1

If you want to host your own github-like service, have a look at GoGS on https://github.com/gogits/gogs/ or its fork GiTea on https://github.com/go-gitea/gitea

It's pretty cool, and has already a lot of features github offers. Some are still missing, but it's under development and you can kindly request features. E.g. if you want to have snippets like gists etc.
And it's pretty easy to setup.

The GOL website source is now open to everyone
By MayeulC, 23 January 2017 at 12:44 pm UTC

Yippeeee !
Though the site really seems to work well now, there's not a lot of missing features... @Mentions, maybe?
Anyway, it's great to have a way of fixing issues as they arise; though you were already quite reactive :)

A developer of the awesome itch games client has a blog post on compressing files for updates
By zikzak, 23 January 2017 at 12:43 pm UTC Likes: 1

For GIF I configured Firefox to never play the animation:
about:config then image.animation_mode set to none


The GOL website source is now open to everyone
By ripper, 23 January 2017 at 12:14 pm UTC Likes: 1


The interesting survival game 'Raft' has dropped Linux support
By JoelHarman, 23 January 2017 at 11:37 am UTC

Is this game available for android or for Windows??