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Some thoughts on switching from Ubuntu to Antergos for Linux gaming
By Aryvandaar, 21 January 2017 at 1:44 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: Duke TakeshiI personally like the idea of having the latest software all the time, however I heard some people complaining about updates (especially kernel updates) ruining their systems and I don't want to spend a lot of time on maintenance.
On the other side there are people having used arch linux for years without problems.

I've been running Arch, Arch derivatives, Gentoo and Gentoo derivatives for several years now. If you learn how to use it responsible then it will run fine, and tbh I think that Ubuntu is more unstable than Arch and Manjaro.

Quoting: Duke TakeshiAnd how about proprietary software? For example I like to have spotify on my system and I like pycharm since I code a lot in python for university. Would that work well on antergos?

Arch and Arch derivatives have more packages available than most Linux distros I've tried.

Arch is also a better learning experience. You get down to the metal of what Linux really is.

A new radeonsi (Mesa) patch should fix issues in many games for AMD GPU owners
By gurv, 21 January 2017 at 1:28 pm UTC Likes: 2

Great news, thanks for reporting!

RadeonSI just keeps getting better and better!
So thank you / merci Samuel and Valve.
And thank you to all people involved on amdgpu/radeonsi/dc-dal/radv...

My shiny new MSI RX 470 should be arriving next week, so I'll be able to test all that :)

Some thoughts on switching from Ubuntu to Antergos for Linux gaming
By Duke Takeshi, 21 January 2017 at 1:07 pm UTC

Damn Liam, this article actually got me interested in trying out Antergos with my Setup!

I personally like the idea of having the latest software all the time, however I heard some people complaining about updates (especially kernel updates) ruining their systems and I don't want to spend a lot of time on maintenance.
On the other side there are people having used arch linux for years without problems.

And how about proprietary software? For example I like to have spotify on my system and I like pycharm since I code a lot in python for university. Would that work well on antergos?

A new radeonsi (Mesa) patch should fix issues in many games for AMD GPU owners
By Grim85, 21 January 2017 at 12:48 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: ziabiceLiam, do you know if there will be a new point release after Mesa 13.0.3 including this bugfix or we should expect it directly into Mesa 17?

If it's in mesa-git today, then it wont be in 17.0 (the next release) as it has already branched, unless they deem it an important enough fix

Wine 2.0-rc6 released, should be the last one before a stable release
By mrdeathjr, 21 January 2017 at 12:04 pm UTC Likes: 2

This wine version works without issues (sound and video remains without changes) in test

View video on


Some thoughts on switching from Ubuntu to Antergos for Linux gaming
By minj, 21 January 2017 at 12:02 pm UTC Likes: 1

Your frustration is funny to a relatively long-time Manjaro user.

Here are a couple tips for you:

Everything makes sense with pacman/yaourt once you take the time to remember the switches and realize the system behind it.

-S for sync/search/install from repos
  -s for search
  -y for refresh (think --yes or --yank)
  -u for upgrade
  -a for AUR
-Q is for local search (think --query)
-R is for remove

Both of the latter have different switches from -S. Look up the man page.

As you can see on the Rosetta page, you can do almost everything with one tool while you would need 3 or 4 on *buntu.

Oh, and don't read AUR comments, read the code!

A new radeonsi (Mesa) patch should fix issues in many games for AMD GPU owners
By dmantione, 21 January 2017 at 12:00 pm UTC

I also experienced VM faults in Cities:Skylines, which runs perfectly fine with the GPUPRO driver on my RX460. I hope this patch is backported to Mesa 13.x.

A new radeonsi (Mesa) patch should fix issues in many games for AMD GPU owners
By ziabice, 21 January 2017 at 11:49 am UTC Likes: 1

Liam, do you know if there will be a new point release after Mesa 13.0.3 including this bugfix or we should expect it directly into Mesa 17?

Stellaris 1.5 will allow you to accept refugees, but it has upset some people
By Eike, 21 January 2017 at 11:40 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: Colombout look closely at EU (or recently at UN) leading people. A lot of them are marxists, or at least they were quite active in communist party when they were younger.

Yes. That's why EU forced Greece to raise taxes, raise wages, raise pensions and nationalize their airports.

Or so they would have if they were by any means socialists or marxists. In reality, they did the opposite.

Some thoughts on switching from Ubuntu to Antergos for Linux gaming
By Aryvandaar, 21 January 2017 at 10:45 am UTC

Quoting: 14To all of us commenters:
I don't think it's cool to attempt convincing someone why they should switch distros unless they ask for it. We all have reasons for liking the different ones out there.

I don't really see the problem if people are being respectful. Are we that fragile?

People should be able to talk about their favourite distros without people resorting to name calling and disrespectful behavior, like pushing the recommendation after people have said no.

Nearly five years after the Kickstarter, Carmageddon still isn’t on Linux despite the stretch goal being reached
By rkfg, 21 January 2017 at 10:24 am UTC

Quoting: rkfg
Quoting: liamdaweWhat's the issue with Planetary Annihilation?
It had outstanding Linux issues with CoherentUI like freezing or crashing UI. The devs ignored the issue for years though it may not be their issue but middleware's one, they've closed their bug tracker so I have no proof now. Here this issue is mentioned as well. I don't know what the game state is now, I hope it's been fixed eventually but it was an issue for long enough for me to lose interest in the game (and my pledge was $95 or so). They're not hostile to Linux gamers but not quite caring either.
Oh, the wayback machine saves the day again. This issue is even on the frontpage when the old bugtracker was captured. So here you can check it:
Opened by DeathByDenim (deathbydenim) - Sat Oct 05, 2013 12:04
The latest comment points to this comment which states that the issue hasn't been resolved at least by August 2015. Which is roughly 2 years since it has been opened.

I just hate allegations so I had to find the proofs that all of this wasn't made up by me or someone. Issues like this make the game totally unplayable and that in turn means that the Linux version is broken and was broken for almost two years, if not longer, with no comments from devs (SXX is a moderator).

Edit: seems like in Titans it's fixed, probably in the vanilla PA as well. Mentioned a lot before Aug 2015 and never after that.

Imperium Galactica II: Alliances released for Linux & SteamOS, seems native too
By gojul, 21 January 2017 at 8:49 am UTC

If you want to make it work under Debian stable (or distros older than Ubuntu 16.04), two things :
1/ in game directory copy file to
2/ a) download libstdc++ from Stretch (testing) from here :
b) extract its content using dpkg-deb -x
c) copy file to the game root directory

Then you'll be able to launch it through command line (does not work from Steam).

SteamOS updated with some major new drivers and an updated Debian base
By skinnyraf, 21 January 2017 at 7:11 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: PicoboomI'm interested in SteamOS, but haven't been keeping close tabs on it across the years. I'd love to see a live version available to just get an idea how well it would suit me, even if it weren't any use to actually launch games with. (I'm thinking in particular about the handful of desktop apps I simply won't do without on my living room media box, and wondering in general whether SteamOS shares the shortcomings of BPM: resource guzzling, incomplete lists, deficient chat client, etc. etc.).

[Addendum:] And that broadcasting feature, I'd like that as well, please. And a pony.

SteamOS is the BPM running on Debian, with a tweaked compositing manager that scales everything to 1080p and performs some other tricks. The system is configured to log directly into the BPM.

That's SteamOS, nothing else.

Stellaris 1.5 will allow you to accept refugees, but it has upset some people
By Colombo, 21 January 2017 at 5:46 am UTC

Quoting: Seegras
Quoting: ColomboI know my shit.

You're trying to tell us that the chairman of Goldman Sachs is a Marxist?

Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it.

Alien: Isolation - The Collection is 70% off on the Feral Interactive store
By jo3fis, 21 January 2017 at 5:08 am UTC

It's an awesome game and I played it from start to finish, would highly recommend anyone to buy it!!

The button pushing/pulling/activating gets rather tedious after a while. Also the constantly hiding really slows down the pace of the game and can get frustrating.

Favorite part was throwing a noise maker and watching the alien butcher all the guards.

The open source itch games client has updated again
By Mezron, 21 January 2017 at 3:52 am UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: leafo
Quoting: KelsI really wish the client would detect that I'm running Linux, and stop offering me non-Linux games in the frontpage. Out of the 10 "Recommended for you" games, only half of them have the penguin icon. The ratio is even lower in the "Latest featured games" section. Admittedly it took Steam a while to start separating like that, but I'd hope Itch would learn from Valve's mistakes.
Your wish is my command. I've just pushed out an update that will only show games that are available for your platform on the app's homepage. Tell me if you can think of any other things to change.

I'm a little ashamed we didn't do this sooner since I even do all my development on linux.

This is freaking great! Excellent work. I picked up 1 title from itch awhile back now this makes it so much easier to get others!

Major Stable Steam client update, Xbox controller config support, vastly improved Linux client
By 14, 21 January 2017 at 3:49 am UTC

Wow. I didn't expect it to come so soon. woot! It's nice.

EDIT: Sweet! Steam reconnected after my computer went to sleep last night. One more little thing not to miss in Windows.

Some thoughts on switching from Ubuntu to Antergos for Linux gaming
By 14, 21 January 2017 at 3:37 am UTC Likes: 1

It was cool to see this headline. I remember many weeks ago when you tweeted some frustration about Ubuntu. I replied (among many I'm guessing) to give a good look into Antergos. I use regular Arch myself, but the buy-in price (time wise) is higher. I went the familiar pattern of Ubuntu > Mint > Arch. I've been on Arch for a good while, maybe two years, and I love it. It makes me like my computer. It definitely feels like MY computer, more than Windows 7 did.

To all of us commenters:
I don't think it's cool to attempt convincing someone why they should switch distros unless they ask for it. We all have reasons for liking the different ones out there.

Alien: Isolation - The Collection is 70% off on the Feral Interactive store
By sr_ls_boy, 21 January 2017 at 3:08 am UTC

I can handle the xenomorphs. But, what gets me are the facehuggers. They scurry along the floor.
You don't know where they are coming from. I hate those things.

Nearly five years after the Kickstarter, Carmageddon still isn’t on Linux despite the stretch goal being reached
By apocalyptech, 21 January 2017 at 2:58 am UTC

Quoting: Mountain ManI've been saying that for a long time. It's a donation, not a pre-order.

Quoting: Mountain ManIt would be extremely difficult if not impossible for someone to hold a Kickstarter project accountable to these terms to the point that they effectively offer zero protection for the consumer.

This kind of scenario is exactly why mechanisms like small claims courts exist, and if you don't think that that kind of action can be effective, you've clearly never dealt with it. I'm sure there's been, overall, very little actual action in courts about this kind of thing, but Kickstarter's TOS is quite clear: creators are obligated to provide refunds when they don't provide the promised rewards. You're welcome to believe that funding via Kickstarter is a "donation," but you're absolutely wrong. (Unless, of course, you're backing at a level which doesn't actually promise anything.)

The open source itch games client has updated again
By leafo, 21 January 2017 at 2:21 am UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: KelsI really wish the client would detect that I'm running Linux, and stop offering me non-Linux games in the frontpage. Out of the 10 "Recommended for you" games, only half of them have the penguin icon. The ratio is even lower in the "Latest featured games" section. Admittedly it took Steam a while to start separating like that, but I'd hope Itch would learn from Valve's mistakes.
Your wish is my command. I've just pushed out an update that will only show games that are available for your platform on the app's homepage. Tell me if you can think of any other things to change.

I'm a little ashamed we didn't do this sooner since I even do all my development on linux.

Major Stable Steam client update, Xbox controller config support, vastly improved Linux client
By Comandante Ñoñardo, 21 January 2017 at 12:53 am UTC

Quoting: M@yeulCEdit: to clarify, just in case: game properties -> local files -> move install folder. And you have to have different paths set up in your settings.

In my Windows machine I don't have different library paths, and the "move install folder" option is available in all my installed games.

In my Linux machine I have several games installed and none of them have the "move install folder" option...


I just checked, If someone want to move the install folder on Linux, it is needed to have more than one game library path set up in the settings...

In the windows version , there is no need of that...

Stellaris 1.5 will allow you to accept refugees, but it has upset some people
By Liam Dawe, 21 January 2017 at 12:04 am UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: ArkonaIf I was you I would delete this post from the site. There are so many people who's family members and close friends were killed only in the last year, or raped, or raped and killed, who will find all this very offending.
I sincerely surprised that some publisher answer like that to people they expect to buy there's games talking about such a controversial thing.
This is also a huge black spot on this site and you should not write about such an incident. Except, of course, if you are hoping for financing from Soros and company. But I think that it's not a good idea.
What does any of that have anything remotely to do with refugees in a fictional game? Nothing.

Torment: Tides of Numenera shows off some more gameplay mechanics in new trailers
By badber, 20 January 2017 at 11:57 pm UTC

Huge fan of the writing in this game after playing the first act in the beta release. Probably my most anticipated game in years.

Nearly five years after the Kickstarter, Carmageddon still isn’t on Linux despite the stretch goal being reached
By Cimeryd, 20 January 2017 at 11:56 pm UTC Likes: 1

My lesson on Kickstarter was Through The Woods. Antagonist seemed for real, even had a Linux demo on there. Then the demo gets removed. Then a year goes by, the game comes out, and we get a half-assed excuse that sadly their tools aren't Linux compatible. Now, they are apparently working on a console port, meanwhile I have a useless Windows key.

Stellaris 1.5 will allow you to accept refugees, but it has upset some people
By Seegras, 20 January 2017 at 11:53 pm UTC

Quoting: ColomboI know my shit.

You're trying to tell us that the chairman of Goldman Sachs is a Marxist?

Stellaris 1.5 will allow you to accept refugees, but it has upset some people
By Seegras, 20 January 2017 at 11:49 pm UTC

Quoting: medvelet your product be free of real-world politics!

Free of current, actual real world politics, maybe. But never otherwise. Not even free of "insinuation" of current real world politics.

Because, if you haven't noticed, it's about playing. And this means, it's about engaging in a non-serious activity with no repercussions in reality. So yes, a game is where you can actually try out things -- including genocide -- without it having any impact on reality. And it's important for it to be so, lest some fucking morons try out genocide and other such shit for real, instead of in a game.

So don't ever go and criticize a game for providing a safe space for trying out things.

Join me tonight at 8:30PM UTC for some Linux gaming fun on Twitch
By tuubi, 20 January 2017 at 11:02 pm UTC Likes: 2

Great stream! I fulfilled my promise of monumental failures in Rocket League quite adequately, if I may say so myself. :)

Owlboy looked absolutely fantastic. Can't wait to get my hands on it.

SteamOS updated with some major new drivers and an updated Debian base
By libgradev, 20 January 2017 at 10:59 pm UTC

Quoting: opera
Quoting: libgradevIt, however, runs fine:
Thanks for the info. Looks like I waited for nothing. Just ordered my new GTX 1060...

Also found this on phoronix:
QuoteFor my GTX 1060 testing I was using the 367.27 driver that's been available for a few weeks. The only driver issue encountered is that the GTX 1060 isn't formally recognized, but NVIDIA is said to be releasing a new driver today that will add the formal product string for the GeForce GTX 1060.

You're welcome :)

I haven't had any issues with it as far as I can tell and it's possible that I saw that Phoronix article before I purchased the card!

Join me tonight at 8:30PM UTC for some Linux gaming fun on Twitch
By Liam Dawe, 20 January 2017 at 10:51 pm UTC Likes: 1

Excellent games tonight folks, thanks for joining!