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Latest Comments by WorMzy
Facepunch adjust their Linux plans for Rust, refunds being offered as it won't continue at all
15 August 2019 at 12:47 pm UTC Likes: 4

This is actually a decent move by Garry. I still probably won't buy anything from his studio in the future, even if they decide to embrace the future of gaming and release on Linux again, but with this I won't actively discourage others from buying their games.

Facepunch Studios confirm their plan for the Linux version of Rust, to be split from Windows & Mac
10 August 2019 at 11:01 pm UTC Likes: 1

Facepunch can't (be arsed to) learn how to code for Linux, so they're giving up. Not really surprising, I have come to expect little and less from this third-rate developer with their openly Linux-hostile lead dev.

I spent a lot of time in this game in the early days (back when there was a single map) and I have a lot of fond memories with it, but it has never performed well, and has frequently been unplayable. I'm disappointed but not surprised that Facepunch are cutting their losses and running away. I doubt their OSX build has a particularly good outlook either.

KDE has an unpatched security issue that's been made public
7 August 2019 at 7:07 pm UTC Likes: 10

Quoting: TheSHEEEPFrankly, nothing is ever entirely safe. And the biggest safety risk is not some software vulnerability sitting hidden behind some execution layers, but something entirely different sitting in front of the monitor...

I always knew my cats were up to no good!

NVIDIA have released some GPU documentation on GitHub
7 August 2019 at 7:05 pm UTC Likes: 15

We've seen this all before -- Nvidia make some rumblings about working with the nouveau devs, providing documentation and hints as to how things should work, maybe even contributing a few patches here and there.. then it all dries up, nvidia go back to their closed-source ways patting themselves on the back for being so generous, while the nouveau driver limps along barely even usable for anything other than 2D rendering (and even then, not being 100% reliable).

Forgive me if I don't get out the party poppers and celebratory bunting just yet.

KDE has an unpatched security issue that's been made public
7 August 2019 at 8:44 am UTC Likes: 22

Quoting: ElectricPrismI honestly lol inside a little bit from all the shit KDE fanboys give Gnome seeing this crop up.

I like KDE and KDE devs but as a Arch user KDE users have a lot of the "btw I use KDE" going on, except throw in a "and GNOME sucks!"

So if you are one of those people this is for you:


GNOME still sucks. :P

What have you been clicking on this weekend?
4 August 2019 at 10:30 pm UTC Likes: 1

Nothing much. I've been hoping to sneak in some Borderlands 2, but I've not had time. :(

I started a new colony on ONI on Friday, but haven't had chance to get back to that either.

Next weekend I'll be down in a field in Derby, so I'll not be getting any gaming done for a while.

System76 are prepping a powerful new Linux laptop, the "Adder WS"
4 August 2019 at 5:20 pm UTC Likes: 2

I remain steadfast in my belief that "gaming laptop" is an oxymoron. Someone must be buying this sort of thing though, otherwise people would stop making them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Space colony sim "Oxygen Not Included" from Klei Entertainment has left Early Access
1 August 2019 at 10:08 am UTC

Time to start a new colony for me. I'd like to say I've learnt from the mistakes of the previous one, but that would be lying.

Valve add additional titles to the Steam Play Whitelist
1 August 2019 at 9:58 am UTC Likes: 8

Hnnn, I'm really tempted to pick up Cuphead, but I don't want to buy "new" games to play in Proton. In my opinion it encourages devs to be lazy and treat Linux users as second class citizens (at best). I'd rather buy games from devs that actually support Linux directly.