Latest Comments by Linas
Microsoft is rumoured to be looking to buy Valve, EA and others
30 January 2018 at 7:47 pm UTC Likes: 7

I don't know. The whole Linux push from Valve could have been a play to drive a hard bargain with Microsoft. I guess we'll find out how dedicated to Linux Valve actually is soon enough.

AT SUNDOWN, a top-down shooter where light is your enemy
10 January 2018 at 1:06 pm UTC

Thought the same about the trailer. Could not understand how the mechanics are supposed to work.

The 'Humble Staff Picks Bundle: Scribble' seems like a nice deal for Linux gamers
2 January 2018 at 11:07 pm UTC

Everything with the exception of Aragami has been bundled before. Heck, Tempest is bundled right now in another cheap bundle. Bought it for Aragami, but not very impressed otherwise.

The Steam Hardware Survey for December 2017 shows a reasonable increase for Linux
2 January 2018 at 7:36 am UTC Likes: 3

Quoting: ZlopezThis time I got a popup about the survey. Only one I got this year.
Once a year seems about right judging from my experience.

Reminder: Update your PC info for the next round of statistics updates
26 December 2017 at 8:01 pm UTC

Quoting: Shmerl
Quoting: LinasWe don't need a slightly improved card that nobody can buy. We need the existing card to actually be in stock.

I suppose availability should improve once they'll refine their production. It's the first time they used new memory type.

I'd like to believe that, but I don't see how? Unless they switch to a more common type of memory.

Reminder: Update your PC info for the next round of statistics updates
26 December 2017 at 5:32 pm UTC

Quoting: ShmerlVega refresh should come out in the first half of 2018, so it's not a very long wait. It should decrease TDP significantly from what I've heard, and pricing should also improve. So I'll just wait until then.

I hear you. But it really doesn't matter. We don't need a slightly improved card that nobody can buy. We need the existing card to actually be in stock.

Reminder: Update your PC info for the next round of statistics updates
26 December 2017 at 2:53 pm UTC

Quoting: ShmerlAlso, Vega launch was quite bad. Poor availability, delayed custom models, crazy prices and excessive power consumption. In short, AMD weren't ready. Things can get better in 2018 with Vega refresh. I wanted to get Vega, but with such monsters requiring 3 8-pin power connectors (750 W) and at that price, I'm not buying Vega until next iteration.

I managed to get my hands on a reference Sapphire Vega 56, and that has 2 power connectors. The card itself draws from 300W to just shy of 400W under absolute maximum loads, according to various benchmarks I have seen. This is a lot, but not as insane as many people make it sound. Also it will use way way less under moderate loads.

I am very happy about the performance, and the quality of the open-source drivers. I put it into Thermaltake Core V1 ITX chassis, where it has its own air intake, and I am seeing temperatures from around 35°C at idle to around 65°C under load. The fan is audible under load, but not what I would call loud.

I think it is a great graphics card, and good technology, and was totally worth it for me.

Pricing and availability is total bullshit though. The launch was bad, and the current situation is even worse. My Vega 56 was 430€, but now they go for around 660€ and are constantly out of stock. This is the price of a GTX 1080 which is not a good deal no matter how you twist it. Assuming you can get one at all. This will be their downfall if nothing changes.

Amanita Design now has some of their titles up on game store itch, on sale too
1 December 2017 at 7:01 pm UTC

Quoting: legluondunetI don't understand why Steam does not provide Linux port available for this game.
I refuse to buy games that do not support Linux on Steam. It's like a stamp of quality of sorts for me.

I do have a bunch of games, mostly from earlier Humble Bundles, that have a Linux build somewhere that works somewhat. Often outdated and/or lacking features in relation to a Windows version. Whereas the ones that have a Linux build on Steam are still playable without messing around much.

Not a law, but a general rule of thumb.