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Valve officially confirm a new version of 'Steam Play' which includes a modified version of Wine
26 August 2018 at 11:14 pm UTC Likes: 1

I think given how many games out there, the spread of potential negative reviews of games that don't get on board with compatability would be thinned out so much as to have little impact. I wouldn't worry about that very much, and I doubt Valve has that as part of their strategy.

I do think having more accurate numbers of people actually using Linux as a gaming platform, which is bound to be quite a bit higher than what's currently being reported, will be a pretty good motivator to get companies more friendly to things like Vulkan.

Feral Interactive are teasing a brand new native Linux port
26 August 2018 at 12:30 pm UTC

Quoting: Mountain Man
Quoting: Rooster
Quoting: Mountain ManMaybe it's Skyrim. Wouldn't that be ironic now that you can play Skyrim in Steam for Linux using Proton.

As far as I know, you can't play Skyrim using Proton yet. Or am I wrong?
I assure you that you can, and it actually works extremely well.

Is that the original? Because I hear Special Edition still doesn't run well.

Feral Interactive are teasing a brand new native Linux port
24 August 2018 at 10:26 pm UTC Likes: 4

Do I even need to say how obvious it is that this is Skyrim?

Clearly, I do.

The first-person shooter with a Battle Royale mode 'War Brokers' updated, input issues fixed on Linux
24 August 2018 at 4:28 pm UTC

Now you've got me remembering 80's Canadian ska/reggae/rock band The Hopping Penguins. Gotta go listen to some of that.

Crazy Justice has a new video to show off some proper gameplay ahead of Early Access
22 August 2018 at 12:27 pm UTC Likes: 1

Wow, that's a lot of blur. Is the movement supposed to be as jerky/janky as it is right after the player lands?

I like the addition of explosive barrels, that's a fun touch, but a lot of the environments look pretty bland. There's no real character to them.

Hopefully they'll replace those little text tooltips with something a bit easier to read at a glance. Plus picking up stuff seems a little finicky. The player seems to take a couple of tries to pick something up early in the video. And yeah, the SFX is terrible.

Otherwise though, it seems like a fairly solid Fortnite clone Battle Royale game. Certainly better than a lot of the others on the market.

Valve officially confirm a new version of 'Steam Play' which includes a modified version of Wine
21 August 2018 at 11:05 pm UTC Likes: 11

I wonder if some devs being lazy is actually fine in the long run. After all, it remains that even with the boom in native Linux games, largely thanks to Steam, the perception that we don't have very many games is still one of the big barriers to "regular people" adopting Linux. So if this goes any distance to overcome that, then it increases the market share of people taking up the platform and gaming on it the same as the rest of us already do. Newcomers don't care how they get their games, just that they can play them.

Which in the end gives us more leverage to convince devs to give us proper ports rather than rely on Wine and the like. Perhaps that's overly optomistic, but I think that's the sort of strategy that's in Gabe's head right now.

Polygod is a fast-paced FPS with a weapon you constantly upgrade and it's now out
20 August 2018 at 12:46 pm UTC Likes: 1

The frantic bullets-everywhere bits and jumping about reminds me oddly of Drunken Robot Pornography, at least what I've seen in the trailers.

Railway Empire heads into Canada with The Great Lakes DLC out now
20 August 2018 at 12:32 pm UTC Likes: 3

lol, of course the Canadian expansion would be all about snow. Canada only exists in the winter.

CrossCode, the 2D action RPG set in the distant future to officially launch on September 20th
16 August 2018 at 4:20 pm UTC

Really been looking forward to this, although I probably won't be picking it up until later in the year for various reasons. Good for them getting to the full release stage, further updates notwithstanding!

Hopefully they fixed the deck of the ship so it doesn't kill the framerate like in the demo. :D

First-person grappling-hook platformer 'The Free Ones' is out with Linux support, it's pretty good
15 August 2018 at 11:09 pm UTC

Oh, these are the folks who made FarSky. I could never get that to work on my old system. Wonder if it'll run on my new one.