Latest Comments by STiAT
The work to bring Banished over to OpenGL is still going on
24 June 2016 at 10:50 am UTC

Haha, reminds me of a mistake I made once :D...

Valgrind/Callgrind/Cachegrind is your friend on things like that.

And so it begins, the Steam Summer Sale is here
24 June 2016 at 9:30 am UTC

Quoting: tuubiLot's of games on my wishlist at good prices. I can only afford a couple of them though, so it's going to be a tough choice. I'm leaning towards Mordor and Talos though. SR IV is also high on the list. I've already seen most of Tomb Raider at a friend's, but the deal is pretty good.

Can't say about Talos, but I enjoyed Mordor [a lot], even though, it was not really challanging and the end fight was not what I'd epect of an end boss fight.

I just bought Talos today, since it sounds very promising (just read the reviews).

And so it begins, the Steam Summer Sale is here
24 June 2016 at 8:53 am UTC

153 € gone. :-).

My wife will hate them for going on sale 1 day before our holiday started :D.

Ashes of the Singularity still plans Vulkan and Linux & SteamOS support
23 June 2016 at 12:12 pm UTC

Quoting: JudasIscariotInterestingly enough the game has a DX12 executable. It will most certainly make for a good time breaking Wine and seeing what kind of horrible nasty things DX12 will want out of Wine :D

Yes, I am fully cognizant of the fact that DX12 is nowhere near supported via Wine but it's interesting nonetheless...

DX12 will not get a OpenGL port according to the devs, if not somebody steps up to do it. It will be a D3D12 to Vulkan port only.

Ashes of the Singularity still plans Vulkan and Linux & SteamOS support
22 June 2016 at 9:05 pm UTC

The RTS game I certainly look forward to most. I hope they get it done for Linux.

Buy games from G2A? You should just stop already, tinyBuild lost out on approx $450K of sales
21 June 2016 at 5:46 pm UTC

Quoting: liamdawe
Quoting: reaVer
Quoting: liamdawe
Quoting: reaVerThis doesn't seem to be so much as a G2A problem but rather those offering their games on the platform. G2A is not responsible for illegitimate material.
That is the single stupidest thing I will probably read all week. A store is not responsible for illegal content? Paleeeease.
It's a market place, not a store. Maybe you should read before saying things...
A market place is a store, you buy things from it. They provide the platform and the service, they are responsible.

Legally in Europe that's not the case, it's undefined. Defined is - it's your store if you have a direct financial transaction. If they're just providing a platform for buying and selling over several payment providers, that's legally not a store. It's considered a marketplace.

Which makes it legally difficult. A provider of a marketplace is never responsible for the sellers selling goods. Responsible for this would be authorities, tax office to be true.

The only obligation G2A legally holds is probably that in case of a law suite they'd have to give out the information of the person who sold the keys or the payment information used. And there the war against strange companies sitting in countries offshore with laws not to give out informations etc. starts.

They're using a loophole in the law and know very well that you would probably not get far with this. Only if you can prove that they're profiting out of illegal sales, it's a way to sue them directly.

Buy games from G2A? You should just stop already, tinyBuild lost out on approx $450K of sales
20 June 2016 at 10:09 pm UTC

I don't see the issue of G2A though. If they were not explicitly for this target of fraud keys, what would be the issue to get the key list of fraud-keys, revoke them and revoke the payment.

Someone would loose the cheap key, but would get back their money. So would the developers. Forcing the developers in special key-offers for this is ridiculous.

I'm not sure where they're located, but legally that's not a good terrain to stand on. That's fencing / assistance to fraud, and that's certainly not allowed in most countries of the world.

A new video from Cossacks 3 shows off Prussia, looks awesome
16 June 2016 at 1:15 pm UTC Likes: 1

Ohhh, Austria as playable nation! Bought!

Here's my own Linux OpenGL vs Vulkan test for Dota 2, not much difference for me
15 June 2016 at 10:57 pm UTC

It's okay, different graphical patterns use different features on the GPU. The benchmarks we do can widely differ based on the demos we use, the state of implementation of drivers for a certain GPU architecture etc, driver versions we're using etc.

That all is perfectly okay. All we know now: It's not where we'd like to see Vulkan yet. There is room for improvement in drivers and engines. That's all we can say.