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We now have a Matrix chat room setup with an IRC bridge if you want to join
24 January 2017 at 2:57 pm UTC

Quoting: ShmerlAnything can be a failure, when no one works on it. Why not improve it? And if not, who is working on nicely designed new protocols? And design has to be seriously good, to make it a better alternative. Which IMHO, implies using a protocol build on top of TCP/IP, instead of plugging HTTP in the middle.
I think that was with you that I discussed that. HTTP is the standard now. All the apps are using it and when we talk about text chat or even rich text chat, I don't really think the difference between TCP/IP and HTTP is relevant. But the simplicity of HTTP surpass the performance of TCP/IP. And it has the advantage that you don't have to reinvent a whole new protocol for each and every extension of your app.

Considering that because HTTP is a sub-protocol of TCP/IP, then TCP/IP is a better choice is simply noob talking. It's like saying that a game will be faster if we were writing directly in assembly, it's plain wrong (and I know that very very well, it's my job).

I won't extend more on that, so please write an application in TCP/IP, write another one with HTTP. Compare the network performances between them, and compare the code size as well, and then (and only then) I'll be interested to talk a bit more about it with you.

Alien: Isolation - The Collection is 70% off on the Feral Interactive store
24 January 2017 at 2:05 pm UTC

Quoting: MajGuanoGreat game, mediocre port.
If you consider that the game runs on (your) Manjaro and (my) Fedora, on top of the only official distrib: Ubuntu, and also if you consider the poor status of the sound stack in Linux in general; don't you think "mediocre port" is a bit exaggerated?

We now have a Matrix chat room setup with an IRC bridge if you want to join
24 January 2017 at 12:39 am UTC

Quoting: tuubiI'll test the mobile client on my Sailfish phone, but seems like Android apps running on the the compat layer tend to drain the battery on this old thing.
When it's not installed from the Google Play Store, the app is actually pulling the data and the default sync delay is quite short (something like 0 second :D), so you can go in the settings and put "Delay between two sync requests" to 120 seconds.

Quoting: Blauer_HungerWhy not a XMPP MUC (eventually bridged with the IRC)?
I think we can say now that XMPP is a failure... It makes 10 years that I'm waiting for it to have something more than just text. The extensions should have been the solution, but in the end it doesn't work and the few that added audio and video chat (Google, etc) have closed their extension because it's impossible to federate. So in the end, I don't see XMPP as a viable solution.

On other front, I've closed the room to the guest because it started to become very difficult to tell which guest was a zombie or not (Matrix needs to improve on that, issue is entered already).

Alien: Isolation - The Collection is 70% off on the Feral Interactive store
22 January 2017 at 12:59 am UTC

Quoting: DelaylineGreat offer, this is great game if support Linux natively.
It does... doesn't it?

Alien: Isolation - The Collection is 70% off on the Feral Interactive store
20 January 2017 at 10:16 pm UTC

Quoting: oldrocker99I bought it, and now I'm afraid to play ...
Honestly it's really cool! Turn off your lights, pump up the volume and dive in the game!

I've played for around 4h I think and it's like an Alien movie where you are the hero, I LOVE IT!

Alien: Isolation - The Collection is 70% off on the Feral Interactive store
20 January 2017 at 7:09 pm UTC

Strange that Steam doesn't get anything at all (but I believe you ;) )

Alien: Isolation - The Collection is 70% off on the Feral Interactive store
20 January 2017 at 5:46 pm UTC

Is there really a difference between buying from Feral store and get a Steam key, and buying directly the key from Steam? #honnestquestion

Some thoughts on switching from Ubuntu to Antergos for Linux gaming
19 January 2017 at 5:28 am UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: chimpyMan all this talk of switching to Arch, now I'm tempted to give it another shot :)
Give a shot at Fedora, it's the future!

I tried a lot of distros for the past 10 years (from Debian to Arch), but at my surprise, I tried Fedora a year ago and I think it's one of the best so far.

Another Steam Beta Client update released, allows moving game location
19 January 2017 at 5:13 am UTC

Quoting: gurvYou just have to move the steamlibrary/common/gamedirectory and the steamlibrary/appmanifest_xxxx.acf to their new location (where xxx is the steam id of the game. if you don't know it just grep "game name" steamlibrary/*.acf.

For example :
mv ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Victor\ Vran /mnt/ssd/steam/common/

grep -i "victor" ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/*.acf
/home/zzzz/.steam/steam/steamapps/appmanifest_345180.acf: "name" "Victor Vran"
/home/zzzz/.steam/steam/steamapps/appmanifest_345180.acf: "installdir" "Victor Vran"

mv ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/appmanifest_345180.acf /mnt/ssd/steam/

Done ^^
Note: do it preferably with Steam closed.
Thank you!