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Latest Comments by Kithop
The handheld Linux computer Pyra is available for pre-order
25 May 2016 at 9:22 pm UTC Likes: 1

My first thought - wow, that's pricey.

Then I started looking at what's actually on offer... oh man, if this had a working telephony stack, *this* is close to what I want for a phone. I miss my old HTC Dream / T-Mobile G1 with the hardware keyboard. I really really wanted a Nokia N900, but by the time there was a carrier here that ran those frequencies, it was woefully out of date.

This is now actually kind of intriguing, not even as a gaming thing with those controls (though that's a plus!), but just... pair this with a Bluetooth headset, get basic telephony working, then everything else is just straight up Debian? That sounds awesome. :D

Stellaris releasing today with day 1 Linux support, here’s my review, livestream later with key giveaway!
9 May 2016 at 5:07 pm UTC

I've got mine downloaded and ready to go, but I should be good and actually do my work first.

That doesn't mean I can't listen to the soundtrack while I work instead, though, and oh my gosh what a soundtrack. Just that alone has me all excited. It's this lovely blend of orchestra and synth, you get lovely ambient pads for a while, and then it swells into this triumphant, epic blend of 80s future themes.

Major, major kudos to Andreas Waldetoft on this.

New major version of OBS Studio recording and livestreaming software released
26 April 2016 at 12:55 am UTC Likes: 2

Really quick and dirty and horrible, but here's a quick HOWTO of how I got it finally working on my system (Xubuntu 16.04):

OBS with NVENC for Ubuntu 16.04

New major version of OBS Studio recording and livestreaming software released
26 April 2016 at 12:25 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: KithopWait, I'm being dumb - it made the packages, but called them e.g. libavformat-dev instead of libavformat-ffmpeg-dev... I'm assuming I need to make a virtual package (kind of like a dpkg symlink?) from the latter to the former. Almost!

Okay. Forced grabbing the obs-studio sources. Realised that this is a name change thing from Debian's move from the Libav fork back to FFmpeg proper. obs-studio is looking for the transitional packages that no longer exist in Xenial / 16.04.

Quick find-and-replace on obs-studio- to get rid of the superfluous '-ffmpeg' on the Build-Depends: line... and now debuild is running! :D If this works, I'll try to post together a quick Howto on how the heck I managed to get this to build on 16.04.

New major version of OBS Studio recording and livestreaming software released
26 April 2016 at 12:18 am UTC

Wait, I'm being dumb - it made the packages, but called them e.g. libavformat-dev instead of libavformat-ffmpeg-dev... I'm assuming I need to make a virtual package (kind of like a dpkg symlink?) from the latter to the former. Almost!

New major version of OBS Studio recording and livestreaming software released
26 April 2016 at 12:07 am UTC

Quoting: MajGuanoYou many need to rebuild OBS. If you have the OBS ppa set up, make sure you have build-essential and debhelper packages installed, then try:...

Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of. I'm using the OBS PPA, so its 'obs-studio', but my issue is that my build of ffmpeg doesn't include the '-dev' bits, so:

$ sudo apt-get build-dep obs-studio
Reading package lists... Done
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 builddeps:obs-studio : Depends: libavformat-ffmpeg-dev but it is not installable
                        Depends: libswscale-ffmpeg-dev but it is not installable
                        Depends: libswresample-ffmpeg-dev but it is not installable
                        Depends: libavdevice-ffmpeg-dev but it is not installable
                        Depends: libavfilter-ffmpeg-dev but it is not installable
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

There's a *pile* of headers and things in the build trees for each of those in my ffmpeg folder... I just need to figure out how to tell debuild / dpkg-buildpackage to bundle them up as the above *-dev packages, too, and I should be able to get going. I'll keep hacking at it a bit. :p

New major version of OBS Studio recording and livestreaming software released
25 April 2016 at 4:33 pm UTC

I'm still trying to get the NVENC support to work. Rather, to detect. Managed to hackily build a .deb for Ubuntu 16.04 off the master tree for ffmpeg with --enable-nonfree and --enable-nvenc tacked on the end. Have the required toolkit installed from nVidia, headers symlinked in /usr/local/include ... a bit of futzing around later with it not detecting libva properly (maybe just an issue from when I cloned master?), and I have working ffmpeg .debs!

I installed them! 'ffmpeg --codecs' shows nvenc in the list!

OBS still mocks me with 'Software (x264)' as the only encoder drop down. :( So now I'm thinking, great, do I have to actually build OBS from source too, so it detects my new custom build of ffmpeg? Oh, right, I need all the -dev packages that OBS depends on if I want to bui-

*fliptable* I'm not a developer, but a SysAdmin. This is one time I will say: BSD's ports system makes this so much easier. You pick your poison at configure time, and it always rebuilds from source.

If anyone figures it out, I'd love to know... and no, I can't redistribute the .deb files legally - hence the requirement for non-free. ;/ This is why we can't have nice things, like a PPA with NVENC-enabled ffmpeg builds, unless nVidia relicenses the required libraries.

95%+ sure that my next card (and potentially my next CPU!) are going to be AMD, so here's hoping for some love in the form of, say, AMD VCE support in OBS Studio? ^.^ Especially if it's exposed through the new-and-upcoming open source AMDGPU drivers. I'm so, so sick of binary blobs and stupid license incompatibility issues.

I am launching a Patreon campaign to support me and GamingOnLinux
6 March 2016 at 9:28 pm UTC Likes: 1

I was part of the previous pledge group, realised even after that stopped you're still putting out great content, even if I don't have the time to watch things like livestreams when they happen because of time zones and such.

Almost every time I find out about a new game or game being ported, it's links to this very site that I'm sharing with my gaming friends - one of whom has been frustrated with Windows 10 and actually switched almost full time to Linux, and another who is thinking of using a slightly older PC for Linux gaming. They ask me questions about technologies and games, and between here and Phoronix I feel like I'm up to date on the bleeding edge of what's new and upcoming.

Definitely resubmitted my pledge (up to 25 backers now!) - you do great work. :)

STRAFE, an epic looking retro themed FPS coming to Linux in 2017
4 March 2016 at 6:21 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: Foxv71Doom :) haha

Well, more like somewhere between Quake and Quake II, more accurately, here.

*grabby* Waaaaant. :O

Insurgency: Sandstorm realistic FPS announced for SteamOS & Linux, will use Unreal Engine 4
23 February 2016 at 5:28 pm UTC Likes: 3

Completely unrelated, but I can't see the word 'Sandstorm' and not snicker any more.
View video on

...and yet I can't not listen to it and bob my head. ;)