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We're living in a weird world with Sony's Shuhei Yoshida excited about a Linux handheld
26 January 2022 at 6:32 pm UTC

Quoting: Doc AngeloThat makes no sense to me. If the exclusitivity did work out, why are they making things less exclusive over time? This is not beside the point for me, and shouldn't be beside of anyone, because this is literally the topic. I honestly have no idea why you suddenly state that this is "besides the point".

Exclusive games did work out great for them. Then they realized how much untapped revenue there is in PC gaming sales. Think about it this way; the PS4/PS5 are basically PC hardware shoved into odd looking (and loud) cases. The games use OpenGL (or an offshoot of it), so porting them to DirectX or Vulkan should be fairly straight forward, and since all the art exists already, there is fairly minimal amount of development time for opening up games to a whole new group of players. So once a PS# exclusive game's sales hit that curve where either 1) everyone has already bought it at full price that is going to. 2) there have been enough sales that people who are going to buy it have bought it on sale. So the revenue stream for those games are done. Boom, more sales instantly because the game now works on the PC, so anyone who is a Xbox/Nintendo/PC only gamer can also be a Sony customer! More Money!

Exclusive games never made much sense to me anyhow. Sure they made sense when the console itself made profit, but I'm betting for the price of the hardware in the PS5, that they are no longer making any profit on the hardware and only make profit on the games.

Steam Deck launches February 25, weekly purchase invites planned
26 January 2022 at 6:23 pm UTC Likes: 6

Quoting: BlackBloodRumNo problem!

Got the money saved and set aside for the deck already.. so as soon as I'm able to, that deck be mine.
Same! Looking forward to playing around on it for sure!

We're living in a weird world with Sony's Shuhei Yoshida excited about a Linux handheld
25 January 2022 at 11:30 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: ElamanOpiskelijaSure, private company, selfish, gaming is not same as hardware, closed garden etc. BUT let's not forget:

- Sony had their own distro, as mentioned:
Quoting: LightkeyFor the younger folks around here, Sony has already released their own Linux distribution before.
- Installing Gentoo on PS4 was a thing for a while.
- As PS5 came out, we may not get the console, but controllers were in stores, and a Sony employee contributed the controller driver for the kernel
- Due to Sony's open device program, Xperia phones have been the de-facto standard for Linux-based mobile OS, especially Sailfish which today supports up to Xperia 1 II.
PS2 had an actual Linux kit for it.

Lutris game manager getting Ubisoft Connect integration
25 January 2022 at 11:06 pm UTC Likes: 5

Heh, at this point GOG may as well just talk to the Lutris devs and make it the Linux GOG Galaxy. Seems to have feature parity.

Lutris game manager adds support for Origin integration
25 January 2022 at 9:53 pm UTC

Quoting: TheRiddickNice, I was thinking about this the other day. Also be nice if UbiSoft games could show up in this launcher.

I think that's the last one that GOG Galaxy has that Lutris doesn't? I still find it silly that GOG supports the Mac with Galaxy, yet I'm fairly certain I have more games supported on Linux on GOG than I do Mac games (though part of that is due to the two things; 1) I have an m1 Mac. 2) Apple dropping 32bit support.)

Lutris game manager adds support for Origin integration
25 January 2022 at 9:52 pm UTC

Quoting: F.Ultra
Quoting: slaapliedjeHasn't Origin been on there for a long time now? Like at least a year...

Wait, maybe I am thinking of GOG Galaxy...

Well it's not among the sources in the current version so probably not. I have though games like Dead Space 3 installed in Lutris and that one opens the Origin Client in order to launch the game so this is probably just to streamline the installation of Origin games somehow.
Yeah, I think this is likely doing what GOG Galaxy does, where it connects to your Origin account, and lists the games you have there. Then when you pick it to install in Lutris, it'll just install it via Origin.

ha, EA seems to have just given up on Origin, and let people buy games with it through Steam, like most of Ubisoft's games are as well. They (Ubisoft) does seem to still have a time limit before their games go onto Steam though.

Dynamic Cloud Sync to let you easily switch between PC and Steam Deck
25 January 2022 at 9:49 pm UTC

Quoting: Hori
QuoteThis has been announced really close to the release of the Steam Deck, which of course is not ideal for developers who are often already overworked

Amy I missing something? IIRC they already said in the past it would not work out-of-the-box and that some changes might be required. I think it was in the developer Q&A sessions.
They mentioned something about it in the initial press stuff. Something about being able to play your game on the Go on the deck, and then being able to pick up where you left off on your computer. Which basically would be just cloud saves. Though the way it works on something like Android or the Switch, where you can put your device to sleep, and then pick it up and the game has been put into the background also kind of sounded like what they might be saying, with synced cloud saves, I don't know why you couldn't just pick it up and go. Though that means when you put your deck to sleep, it won't be really really asleep until the sync is done :P

Also as someone mentioned, some game saves can get HUGE...

Flathub to verify first-party apps and allow developers to collect monies
25 January 2022 at 9:44 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: Purple Library Guy
Quoting: sudoer
Quoting: SamsaiI highly doubt

well you can highly doubt anything, but the fundamental reason for Arch being a simpler, faster and less dependency-hell-prone distribution are those 2 simple facts, as stated here

QuoteIn Arch Linux, partial upgrades are unsupported and only a single version of each shared library [is] in the official repositories, in contrast to other (non-rolling-release) distros.

This simple rule avoids (for the most part) the intractable issue that dependency hell is NP-complete. Maintaining metadata for complex version resolution has the effect that Linux package managers are slow (2019).
, the rest like the package manager, the simpler packaging, take advantage of those principles, leading to more efficient code with much less needs and to a faster, cleaner system.
You can find more material with details on the internet.

Quoting: sudoerIMO, instead of hand-holding Linux users with untransparent/dark noob-friendliness, all it takes is to educate the user how to maintain his system, which in the case of Arch is super easy if you take some time to read it.
Quoting: SamsaiI have a feeling that regular computer users aren't going to read the manual from cover to cover to learn how to maintain their system. No matter how much fun Arch/Gentoo users seem to have doing it, I don't think it's the way forward for general adoption.

regular computer users -you mean Windows users...- will break their systems no matter how many flatpaks they will use, and will continue to feel helpless when they will try to access their file system to find their file from another drive, while the flatpak will be showing them its own cut filesystem.

It's better to tell them 2 simple things to do to maintain their systems than having a holy cluster-mess of ignorant helpless users left in complete darkness and a handful of holy-grail universal packages just adding to the already available ones.
You know, the strange thing here is that you're advocating for Arch and telling me it's the future, but the more I read of what you're saying, the more significantly my impression of Arch is getting worse.

Before your first post my opinion was that Arch was not for me since I'm more a simple user type, but that it was nonetheless pretty cool. As this conversation goes on, I've started to think maybe Arch is actually kind of a stupid idea, and its popularity an artifact of the failure of Linux to make desktop inroads while it continues to dominate various other spaces, so that far too many Linux users are actually computer developers, tinkerers etc. who happen to use some desktop functions. Talking to you, I'm starting to think that if mindsets associated with Arch take hold more broadly, it will actively hinder both wider adoption of desktop or gaming-oriented Linux and the development on the Linux desktop of what most people would consider "usability".

I've had a triple boot of Arch, Debian Sid and Windows 10 for years.

Arch is useful for some of those really niche programs that somehow don't make it into Debian, or are occasionally not updated by the maintainer and I want to test a beta version or latest version of something.

The problem is the majority of things are in AUR, and the binary repositories aren't that extensive (at least compared to Debian) and so you end up having to wait for compile times for many things. While modern processors make this fairly quick, I'd hate to be running it on an older CPU, which Debian runs like a champ on. The other problem is AURs are orphaned as often as Wal-mart kids. Someone decides they want an easy installer for something, whip up a PKGBUILD, then ignore it when there are new releases. Worse yet, if you don't pay attention, you'll end up having the wrong package installed because that one was orphaned, and someone created a new one, and no one commented in the original build.

Another issue I've ran into was due to some bug in upstream software. Ghostscript in this particular case, it made it so all my printing was just a page of pure black. It wasn't caught in any sort of QA, as QA'ing all binaries with such a smaller user base (this was years and years ago, so the user base was much smaller than it is now) wouldn't have been possible, but this was broken for like a month.

All distributions have their issues. Everyone assumes Debian is years out of date, but when it does a release, it is rather modern. Until of course it's inching toward the next release. But since they now have mainstreamed the backports, you can stay rather current even with sticking to "Stable". The same is becoming true even of the RHEL based distributions, as they are having their core be stable, and then you can add 'streams' for things like php. So you can have a solid/stable core, with newer application frameworks for your services.

The whole purpose of Flatpaks/AppImage is for third parties (either commercial, or open source projects that don't have the ability/capacity to package their software for every distribution.

The fact that Ubuntu has diverged from Debian so much and causes dependency hell is the fault of Ubuntu (and well every other Debian distro I've used, unless they pull directly from the Debian repos). This, I'm sure, has irritated more than one developer out there. "Oh just make a .deb package, and it'll work everywhere..." nope, because you may have required libblah-12 and Ubuntu has libblah-13...

Ha, sorry for the rant. The reason there are so many distributions is because there hasn't been the 'perfect' one that scratches all itches. Every few years I've done some distro hopping... and still come back to Debian. I've been doing this since '97 or so... When it was still possible to install Debian off of floppy disks! (that was a long weekend).

Flathub to verify first-party apps and allow developers to collect monies
25 January 2022 at 9:30 pm UTC

Quoting: sudoer
Quoting: Purple Library GuyI don't think it's plausible that the difference is between "rolling" distros and distros with discrete releases. All that "rolling" means is that what you have is a snapshot of current development, it has no implications for dependency hell--or, if it does, the implication would be that some of the time, changes may have been made in different areas and not cleaned up before a "release" (because it's always live, there is no release) which might cause dependency problems.

No, the secret is in the libraries, check the 2 points here.

Therefore, pacman is faster and what appears to be as "superior" from the rest, by not having to calculate millions of breaking possibilities.

And furthermore, the AUR is such a good system which contains all the scripts for the user to build the software, always against the newest libraries! Plus it has ONE version, not 20 different PPAs with prebuild binaries, 10 different OBS places with incompatible/dummy-packages and whatever.

IMO, instead of hand-holding Linux users with untransparent/dark noob-friendliness, all it takes is to educate the user how to maintain his system, which in the case of Arch is super easy if you take some time to read it.

wtf? AUR has so many versions of particular packages, it's insane. Like I've seen some that are specific git versions instead of release versions. I've definitely had more dependency breakage / conflicts than I have even running Debian Sid. Arch is great, but don't make it out like it is perfect. This is actualy what worries me about SteamOS 3 being Manjaro based, though I think Manjaro tends to be far more conservative than the main Arch repos.

We're living in a weird world with Sony's Shuhei Yoshida excited about a Linux handheld
25 January 2022 at 7:11 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: Comandante ÑoñardoI wonder why Sony are porting their games to the competitor's operating system instead of doing it for an own Linux distro.

I guess the PS5 operative system is technically more close to Linux than to Windows
I'm still trying to get used to the PS5's OS. It's... odd. Then booted my PS3, really there is no consistency between the PS3/4/5.