Latest Comments by Luke_Nukem
Wrongworld, a rather hilarious looking surreal survival game is coming to Linux
28 December 2016 at 9:13 pm UTC Likes: 4

Quoting: SludjGames
Quoting: Shmerl
QuoteThank you all so much for the support. It really is massively appreciated.
Looks very fun. I hope it will come out on GOG too!

Yep, I'm definitely aiming for a GOG release too. I was actually talking to them about it just yesterday :)

*throws money at SludjGames*

Heavy Gear Assault Steam release delayed by Valve
23 December 2016 at 3:58 am UTC Likes: 1

QuoteStompy Bot Productions
. Such a perfect name.

Wine Staging updated, allows you to play DOOM on Linux
22 December 2016 at 6:49 pm UTC

So far this has shown there are three types of people.

The Die-Hard. These gamers won't buy unless there is a proper port or official support.

The Pirate. These gamers don't want to pay for a Windows version, but do want to play the game. They see nothing wrong with pirating it.

The Weiner. They dual-boot and still buy many Windows only games.

Editorial: The Nintendo Switch will use Vulkan, why that doesn't suddenly mean more Linux ports
19 December 2016 at 10:45 pm UTC Likes: 8

Shut-up Liam. You don't know what you're talking about.

*sticks head in sand*

/edit/ sarcasm

The Other 99, an UE4 single-player action & survival game is waiting on fixes from Epic for a Linux version
17 December 2016 at 11:30 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: tuubi
Quoting: SketchStickI was under the impression that Epic Games does very little work on Unreal Engine's Linux support. That the vast majority of fixes were contributed by the community? If that's the case, I don't think waiting on them is going to help much.
This might be a general bug related to their OpenGL backend, not something Linux specific. These backends are written and supported by Epic themselves I think.

afaik the graphics layers are mostly Epic built. The Linux layers are community contributed (to start with), and unofficial.

What annoys me to no end is that we get Tim Sweeny moaning like a donkey on heat about Microsoft, yet he refuses to acknowledge or commit to supporting Linux as an alternative to Microsoft.

The open source itch client has been updated with major new features
16 December 2016 at 9:20 pm UTC

Quoting: liamdawe
Quoting: babai
QuoteThe store and application have come a long way in a very short amount of time.

Pick one :)
I don't get what you mean, pick one what?

Reference to the good old software quality triangle paradox. Usually three traits, but you can only ever pick two of them.

The open source itch client has been updated with major new features
16 December 2016 at 9:25 am UTC Likes: 4

Sure, good app. But it's a fucking nightmare to package. And if you don't package it and build/install from source, it pulls in a metric ass-ton of shit.

This is why I hate JS and NPM.


32-bit Linux distributions are no longer supported by Steam, Steam Web Browser disabled
15 December 2016 at 7:30 pm UTC Likes: 3

Now if only those lazy devs who only ever released 32bit versions of their games would actually realise how stupid that is...

Open source game engine 'Godot' is working on a new 3D renderer
15 December 2016 at 7:01 pm UTC

Quoting: madmachinationsNice, you might say we're "waiting for godot" then :V
hahaha-hehehe-hohoho *blows his brains out*

I don't get it...

Some thoughts on 'Dead Age', the zombie survival game with turn-based combat and multiple endings
15 December 2016 at 6:59 pm UTC

Interface makes me think of Zafehouse/Zafehouse 2. Unfortunately those two games are Windows games only (Zafehouse 1 was written in VB ffs..)

Dead Age sure looks interesting!