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Latest Comments by rustybroomhandle
Remembering an indie gem with Osmos over 10 years later
10 July 2020 at 1:00 pm UTC Likes: 2

Ah yeah, Bubble Fart Simulator. Played the heck out of this when it hit the bundles.

Floor-destroying party game 'Hammer Dongers' adds rockets and new maps
7 July 2020 at 10:11 am UTC Likes: 1

Ah yeah. Not sure if that is where it originated, but in Minecraft this is known as Spleef.

Supraland stops supporting Linux shortly after leaving GOG entirely
27 June 2020 at 11:56 am UTC Likes: 4

Quoting: Guest
Quoting: omer666It's more of a monopoly problem than a low market share problem. Back in the days, porting a game on 4/5 different OS was the norm.
Today all computers run on x86 architecture, all you need for testing your game on Linux is to install the damn distro.

Ignoring the main topic a little, "back in the day" games were also far less complicated to write. Game engines could likely be maintained and ported by a single person, or very small teams. It's far more complex these days.

...not to say that I don't think you're right. I do think you're right. They could just install GNU/Linux (and by now it's fairly easy to find the most popular) to do at least basic testing for a version they're asking people to pay money for.

Counter counter point: If "back in the day" means the 80s, porting a game meant using assembly language on vastly different hardware. Budgets were way lower, and yes, usually it was 1 person doing it, but I don't really think relatively speaking it was easier.

Wine (so Proton eventually) takes another step towards Easy Anti-Cheat working
26 June 2020 at 11:11 am UTC Likes: 4

Quoting: BasianiUse rootkit to play some games? Are you dumb?
If you very, very want to play some games with that kind of rootkits, try to avoid it on your main system, install that shit on external drive with other OS.

This is running in user-space.

With EA back on Steam, you can play Titanfall 2 on Linux with Steam Play
23 June 2020 at 9:45 am UTC

Quoting: celphyThis seems to block Origin updates as well for me.

I guess you can always just 755 the files, update Origin, and then go back to 555 to play games.

I trust there will be a workaround soon that will negate the need to even do this silly thing.

With EA back on Steam, you can play Titanfall 2 on Linux with Steam Play
22 June 2020 at 12:59 pm UTC

Quoting: Liam Dawe
Quoting: MayeulC
chmod -R 555 ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/1237970/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Application\ Data/Origin

Ah, Liam, I don't think that's a good practice to make everything executable. `chmod -R -w $above_path` should do to just remove the write permission :)
Yeah, that was a rush and wasn't thinking. Have adjusted and double checked, works fine like that and probably better to do so article edited.

Quoting: MayeulCGood call progressively removing BBCode in favour of Markdown, BTW :) Though it might be easier to just use an existing parser, no?
It's a gradual process and I have yet to find a good, up to date and still worked on PHP parser that fits our needs. If you want to continue that discussion though, the forum is better since it's not related to the article.

Not sure if this is still the case, but doesn't Steam automatically just +x every file in common/<game>?

EDIT: Yes, confirmed. Madness I tells ya.

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drwxrwxrwx 2 jaco jaco      4096 Nov 26  2019 StreamingAssets

With EA back on Steam, you can play Titanfall 2 on Linux with Steam Play
21 June 2020 at 10:38 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: lqe5433I like Proton and Wine, DXVK etc, I just think with these nobody will port their games to Linux..
It's too easy for companies to say it's working with Proton.

Maybe, maybe not. But there will be no Linux ports if there are no Linux users, and Proton etc. might very well help grow the market share. Chicken / egg / chicken / egg...

Digging puzzle adventure platformer 'Something Ate My Alien' is out now
19 June 2020 at 3:49 pm UTC Likes: 5

Getting strong Steamworld: Dig vibes. That's good! :)

There's now a Proton build for running Red Dead Redemption 2 on Linux
15 June 2020 at 8:41 am UTC

Quoting: mylkai know that, but why go this way, if they removed it all for stadia anyway?
and again. whats with just dx12. shouldnt VKD3D work?

DRM, that couldnt be cracked by now makes more sense to me
valve already fixed some DRM issues with the latest proton versions... i think street fighter and jurassic world are 2 examples

Dude, no. We KNOW the DX12/VK issue was the obstacle because the DXVK developer said so. We're not guessing, we know.

Also, your idea of how getting DRM to work in Proton works is wrong. They don't crack the DRM, they change wine to work with the still fully operational DRM.