Latest Comments by TheSHEEEP
X4: Foundations 4.00 update and X4: Cradle of Humanity expansion out now
18 March 2021 at 10:46 am UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: SuperTuxstarting new is certainly a different experience with just the one ship where you're rather lowly.
One of the most fun aspects for me (when playing in 3.1, but no doubt this is still the same) was starting in a little ship doing some mining or patrolling maybe.
And then upgrading to the next big category of ship. Standing in those giant space docks, seeing how your new ship dwarves your old one from the perspective of a human-sized person.
And then repeating that through all the size categories.

I wasn't quite sure what the point of first person would be in a game like X4 that doesn't actually do much with it. Well, that epic sense of scale is certainly a good point.

The developer of Rise to Ruins is absolutely mad and has secured funding for their games
16 March 2021 at 7:22 pm UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: GuestSaying everyone who study the stock market hard enough can turn 200k into 2.5M is survivor bias.
Quoting: GuestSeriously, you just said a 10x return in less than a year is normal story for anyone studying the stock market like Doerr did.
I did not say any of that and seriously encourage you to improve reading comprehension before putting words into other people's mouths.

What I did say is that people putting their health on the line for their passion is a normal story.
Or at least one heard relatively often.

Quoting: GuestJust like the now-famous guy on reddit who made millions with GME. He could have lost it all with GME going bankrupt.
THAT is indeed luck and no serious investor on the stock market would have invested into GME.
Those who do understand the stock market and the companies and fields they invest in are not just randomly gambling like in a lottery as you seem to think.
Of course there is always some luck involved in success on the stock market, but that is true for almost any business.
That's also why you diversify instead of just investing into a single company (which Doerr correctly did, even if he apparently kept within the same sector).

The developer of Rise to Ruins is absolutely mad and has secured funding for their games
16 March 2021 at 5:12 pm UTC Likes: 2

Quoting: GuestYOLOing all your family saving because you hate the industry so much doesn't seems like an amazing story in my opinion.
You didn't read the article, then.

Stock market isn't gambling or YOLOing - those who invest a lot of time and effort to learn it and stay on the pulse can make a lot of money with it.
Problem is, you really have to invest A LOT of time into doing that, which Doerr did by apparently sacrificing his health for a while until the goal was achieved.

Which is honestly a relatively normal story for people passionate about something and pouring their all into it.

Wasteland 3 gets a permadeath mode and skill respec in the 1.3.3 update
11 March 2021 at 10:34 am UTC Likes: 1

Not a fan of respec - at least if it is given for free or very cheap.

The big fun in these games comes from the thinking you put into your builds, the preparations you do for them, and then seeing it all work out in action.
It forces commitment and is rewarding if done right.

When respec is free or cheap, that removes the need to put in any thinking and to plan ahead. There is no commitment and no reward of figuring it out. You can just brainfart your way around until something works.

That was also the big mood killer for me in Diablo 3. I didn't feel commited to any character for a single second as I knew I could just switch everything around at-will.

Get Stellaris and a bunch of DLC in the latest Humble Bundle
11 March 2021 at 8:34 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: dvdThanks for bringing attention to tis. This bundle is quite good opportunity to get most of the DLCs, at a good discount too.
Paradox DLCs are generally too pricey IMO, so such discounts are very welcome.

Valve gives up on Artifact setting it free with Artifact Classic and Artifact Foundry
6 March 2021 at 8:00 am UTC

Quoting: Comandante ÑoñardoHAHAHA!

C'mon lazy fatman! The only Valve game We want has a number 3 on it...
Artifact 3.0?

Valve gives up on Artifact setting it free with Artifact Classic and Artifact Foundry
5 March 2021 at 7:47 am UTC

Quoting: questioner9I don't really understand this. Hasn't Artifact 2 been in closed beta? How would they expect to get the player count up before they released it or made it an open beta?
I had the Artifact Beta 2 steam page on my wishlist and never saw anything about it becoming available.
Yeah, their reasoning is more than a little shady.

"We didn't get high player numbers with our opt-in beta that many didn't even know about."
No shit.
I, too, was just waiting for 2.0 to come out to give it a go. As I suspect the vast majority of others were.

IMO, it's probably just a pretext argument for them losing faith either that it will do good once out or losing faith that they can actually fix the problems.

The next AMD RDNA 2 card revealed with the AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT
4 March 2021 at 6:49 am UTC

Another GPU you can buy at the low price of 400% of whatever it actually should be.

It's really crazy out there, just had a look at what a RX 6800 would cost. Easily 3x the official price...

Terraria for Google Stadia is surprisingly back on and going through certification
28 February 2021 at 9:19 am UTC

QuoteA new report went out from Jason Schreier on Bloomberg that mentions how Google ended up spending tens of millions of dollars to bring in the likes of Red Dead Redemption 2 amongst other issues like missing initial sales targets by "hundreds of thousands".
This really shows to me how clueless the people in charge of Stadia were/are.
Spending this amount of money for a port of the few high profile games Stadia had? That's just insanity.
EA, etc. really fleeced Google here - or rather, Google let itself be fleeced.
No pity from me.

Google, Bungie, id Software all under fire in a new Stadia lawsuit
23 February 2021 at 10:25 am UTC Likes: 1

Quoting: GuestClass action is no action, the only ones who profit are the lawyers
If it goes through, the target loses, though.
Sometimes, that is the best you can hope for.