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0 A.D. Alpha 1 Released!

By - | Views: 6,776
The history inspired open source RTS 0 A.D. has finally released the first true Alpha version for everyone to play with!

QuoteWildfire Games proudly announces the release of the first alpha version of 0 A.D., a free, open-source game of ancient warfare. After 9 years since the concept of 0 A.D. was designed on paper, we have a close approximation of a playable game. This release comes with aggressive units that attack enemies on sight, lifelike animals that escape danger, two new maps, in-game multiplayer chat and much more. Alpha releases of 0 A.D. will each get a number and a name, so this one is "Alpha 1 Argonaut".

New features in this release:
      Maps: Added new maps "Arcadia" and "Hellenized Egypt", improved the "Multiplayer demo" map; Added textual descriptions to maps.
      AI: Added animal AI (walking around, running from danger). Redesigned unit AI: added order queues, auto-attack, auto-gather.
      GUI: Added in-game multiplayer chat; Fixed GUI stretching on widescreen resolutions; Improved selection outline rendering; Many other GUI changes, such as buttons and cursors; Changed camera controls.
      Graphics: Added floating decorative objects, such as lily pads; Added building collapse and corpse decay; Tweaked animation speeds.
      Gameplay: Added 'delete unit' command; Added rally points.
      Installation and compatibility: Added Windows installer using NSIS; Added Linux packages for many distros; Improved compatibility when 3D acceleration is missing; Improved FHS compatibility for Linux installations.
      Miscellaneous: Added terrain smoothing tool to Atlas map editor; Added some sound effects; Improved performance; Fixed bugs.

Room for improvement:
      There are no victory conditions implemented yet.
      There is no computer opponent AI yet. In single-player games the enemy does nothing.
      There is no random map generation yet.
      There is no fog-of-war yet.
      Many unit stats are still unbalanced.
      Many planned gameplay features are not added yet: There is no research, no auras, no rank upgrades, no settlements and territories, no resource dropsites, etc.
      Many bugs and small missing features.
      There is no multiplayer matchmaking service., you have to connect by IP address (More convenient ways may be implemented in the future).

They even made a nice video showing it off, looks amazing!

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