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Oil Rush announcement from Unigine

By - | Views: 6,737

The creators behind the Unigine Engine have announced their own cross-platform RTS game!

It's great to see a Linux friendly developer studio really push their game engine into the spotlight with what looks like could be a massively popular game!

Planned Features

  • High-end graphics
  • Multi-player over LAN and Internet
  • Multi-platform:
  • Windows
  • Linux
  • PlayStation 3
  • Explosive gameplay with rushing swarms of furious enemies
  • Various environments
  • Mod SDK available

Game Play

OilRush is a real-time strategy game based on the group control. It offers mechanics of a classical RTS combined with a Tower Wars genre: control the construction and upgrade of production platforms along with their defence forces, and send battle groups of naval and air units to capture enemy's platforms and oil rigs.

The game can be played with your friends over LAN or Internet.

In the post-apocalyptic flooded world there are two things running short: oil and time. The last survivors in a desperate desire to seize control and dominate the enemy have started the naval warfare that made the whole world one large battlefield. In these harsh and cruel times, the oil is thicker than blood.

Oil that is pumped by oil rigs is the main resource in the OilRush world. In exchange for oil you can buy additional defence turrets and make high technology researches.
Oil Rigs

Oil rigs cannot defend themselves. Controlling them is an extremely important and difficult task.
Production Platforms

Platforms build attack units of a specific type. You can also equip them with defence turrets to fight against enemy attacks. Casting special abilities to the platform affects all units close to it.

Battle groups are formed of several unit types: various ships, aircrafts and submarines. Choose them wisely since you will be struggling against different kinds of enemy defence.
Technology Tree

Making special technology researches brings you more advanced defence and more powerful attack weaponry, including nukes.
Current State

The game is currently at the end of production stage. Digital release of PC version is planned for Q4 2010.

Check out the trailer:

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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