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Widelands just keeps on improving!

By - | Views: 6,326
QuoteWidelands is an open source (GPLed) real-time strategy game. It is built upon the SDL and other open source libraries and is (and will always be) under heavy development. If you knew Settlers I & II, then you already have a rough idea what Widelands is all about because widelands is heavily inspired by those two games.

Widelands last release was quite a while ago (16th April) and since then a couple of news posts have been made detailing the changes.


Highlights to come from Build 16 of Widelands:
      Barbarians works animations are finished
      The existing campaigns were modified to use lua as engine, this leads to a much more smoother and more intelligent campaign behaviour
      It is now possible to set a condition for when a game is won.
      A team play feature - teamed players can't attack each other and share the vision
      Basic opengl support was merged and improved at some places - if you feel like Widelands is too slow, you can now try the new opengl renderer
      The forester got some more intelligence - finally he understands, that it is not a good idea, to rip out other small trees and as well cares about affinities of the trees (so will place a tree that best fits the place)

There is a lot more... Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
Tags: Misc
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