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Humble Indie Bundle 2 Extra Bundle

By - | Views: 6,808
For those that have already purchased Humble Indie Bundle 2 you will now find the first Humble Indie Bundle on your download page.
For those that haven't you have 3 days left to purchase 10 great games for any price you want.
*EDIT* Thanks to Tweakedenigma for pointing out my mistake!

QuoteHelp us bring up the average!
Everyone who pays more than $7.37 gets the first Humble Bundle as well!
$7.37 at the time of writing, but is a fabulous deal for 10 games and bonus game Samorost 2. Many thanks to users of Windows for keeping this price down ;-) *EDIT*

QuoteDear Humble Indie Bundle customer, I would just like to personally thank you for your support in making the Humble Indie Bundle #2 even more successful than the first one.
As thanks, I have added the Humble Indie Bundle #1 into your bundle.
If you go to your personal download page, you will find the following games waiting for you:- World of Goo (now a top seller on the iPad)- Aquaria- Gish- Lugaru HD- Penumbra Overture- Samorost 2Happy holidays!
They're (mostly) redeemable on Steam too, if you would like to link them to your account.
If this kind of thing makes you happy, please feel free to add a little more to your Humble Bundle purchase (you can help bring up the average on your download page) and keep spreading the word!

Sincerely,Jeffrey RosenHumble Bundle

Video of Humble Indie bundle 1
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Video of Humble Indie Bundle 2
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tweakedenigma Dec 22, 2010
Quoting: "Rustybolts, post: 993"For those that have already purchased Humble Indie Bundle 2 you will now find the first Humble Indie Bundle on your download page.
For those that havn't you have 3 days left to purchase 10 great games for any price you want.

Technically its 11 games and anyone who buys it from here on out needs to pay more then the Average to get all 11.
Liam Dawe Dec 22, 2010
Looks like they are really going all out this time, really hope this is not the last humble indie bundle.
tweakedenigma Dec 22, 2010
Quoting: "liamdawe, post: 999"Looks like they are really going all out this time, really hope this is not the last humble indie bundle.

Well even if it is every company involved will have a long term customer in me (as long as they keep developing for Linux).
Rustybolts Dec 22, 2010
Out of the 2 Bundles which game has been the Standout game for you. For me it was Lugaru really enjoyed kicking bunny ass !! :cool:
Liam Dawe Dec 22, 2010
World of Goo i have spent the most time on, hardly played any of the others.
tweakedenigma Dec 23, 2010
Machinarium has been the game I enjoyed the most.
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