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Stealth Target - To be discontinued

By - | Views: 4,813
I got an email earlier from Phil the author of Galcon and Stealth Target to notify me that Stealth Target is being discontinued, for those who didn't get the email here is a quote:


Turns out the business model of doing a pre-beta-sale really doesn't
make sense for me. I'm more of a "do what I feel like" kind of guy,
and committing to making some sort of super-great-game in some kind of
pre-beta-sale promise just isn't something I can really do. I think
in the case of "Stealth Target" I bit off way more than I can chew.

I'm hoping to finish Stealth Target this year, but I'm probably only
going to release it to mobile platforms, so I don't even think I'm
going to be launching a desktop version.

Either way .. I'm offering refunds to anyone who wants one! Just
reply to this email and say so.

Thanks for coping with a crazy indie-dev :) Your support is greatly
appreciated and I hope I can churn out some cool games that you'll
enjoy in 2011!


P.S. Also, thanks for all the feedback you have given me so far on
Stealth Target. I've been taking notes on just about everything!
You've been a huge help!

A sad day as all that effort really seems to have gone to waste, that and the time and effort people put into creating levels for it - I'm a bit shocked at this move personally I think it could easily be improved little by little rather than just stopping it all together.

Also just noticed that he has made a blog post about it here, just sad really, I didn't mind waiting as I'm sure others didn't as it was so cheap. Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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