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Linux Game Publishing...are alive?

By - | Views: 12,896
Eskild Hustvedt writes on the LGP blog:

QuoteSo, we’ve been a bit too quiet lately. That’s partly my fault, and partly because we’ve been busy working on our next port. I’m pleased to inform you that we now have a working build of it in internal alpha testing, and we should open applications to the beta test “soon” (for sufficiently vague values of “soon”). We’re also working on a few other things that we should be announcing in the near future.

Meanwhile, feel free to contact me with any questions or feedback you have (other than “what’s the port?” that is, because I won’t be able to tell you that yet, no matter how hard you try :).

If you have any input, suggestions or questions for me, feel free to ask them here in the comments, on IRC (Zero_Dogg in #lgp on, via or via e-mail (to eskild at the domain linuxgamepublishing dot com).

It's nice to see at least someone letting us know they aren't actually dead, makes me wander what game they are porting at the moment and if they are actually doing it themselves rather than just publishing it as they did with Shadowgrounds/Survivor.

I have emailed Eskild for a bit of info, so will update with any response.

Edit > Eskild has confirmed it is an in-house LGP port.

Good news though, looking forward to seeing what comes of this. Article taken from
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Hamish May 4, 2011
Sounds good, was wondering about them recently, especially with the sale on Tux Games.
Brandon Smith May 5, 2011
It better be Disciples 2
Liam Dawe May 5, 2011
I would much prefer a more up to date game, most of their games are so old you cannot change screen resolution which looks aweful on my 24" monitor.

Then again it's just nice to see them active again, i want it to be bandits really, game looks cool.
MaximB May 5, 2011
Off course LGP are alive, I see Michael updating his Facebook status every day ;)

The sad thing is that I gave up on old games and I sin by buying many games from that work on Linux.
It's not something that I'm proud of, and not something I want to publish on LGN - but that's the truth.
MaximB May 5, 2011
@Brandon Smith :
Couldn't resist and bought Disciples 2 Gold from .
Sorry but there is a limit on how much I can wait for a game, and if I get it without the expansions at higher price (x4) - it's not worth it for me.
Liam Dawe May 5, 2011
Michael updating his facebook means nothing for LGP unless they are LGP related though. It just means he is alive, since others do the work for LGP not just him.
Hamish May 5, 2011
Phoronix have posted their own comments on the blog post:
Brandon Smith May 5, 2011
Hehe, good on ya MaximB!
MaximB May 6, 2011
@liamdawe : well except his Wii fit updates and calories gained afterwards he also says sometimes about how hard he works.

I really hope it's unannounced title and not too old one.
Sacred 2 + Expansions, I will buy for the right price.

Sadly there is no chance they will ever port "The Witcher", but the sequel does have *some* chances to be ported someday.
Liam Dawe May 6, 2011
Well i doubt it would kill him to post something in public once now and then, if he's doing it in private then it could be because he isn't doing much and just making himself look good to his friends on FB. Not to bash the guy but until we see what they are up to people will think that.

Sacred 2 would be a pretty cool port, i honestly as well hope it is a newer game and not one of their older in-porting for x years games. But then it would prove to their customers they can finish stuff if they did finish up their older ports.
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