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First teaser trailer for Dirk Dashing 2 and July Newsletter

By - | Views: 6,253
Troy from my games company posted on our forums his teaser trailer of Dirk dashing 2. I have moved the full post to the news section so you can see the trailer in action.

Cheers Rustybolts.

Troys post
Here's the first teaser trailer for my upcoming game, Dirk Dashing 2: E.V.I.L. Eye!

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Up until now, I've only shown still screenshots, so this is your first look at the game in-action! Even though it's short (it's a teaser), you can see the new graphics and lighting effects, Dirk's new tranquilizer dart gun, some of Dirk's new moves, and some of the new characters - including the Ninja I just finished!

*Update* My Games Company July Newsletter:-
QuoteDear customers and fans,

Ok. You talked me into it. I'm going to make Dirk Dashing 2 available for pre-order later this summer!

I want to thank everyone who wrote me to voice their support. Your e-mails were very encouraging, and that's extremely important to me - especially when I'm working on a big game project that takes a long time to finish. It's easy for me to get discouraged over time, wondering if anyone will even buy the game when it's finally done. So I appreciate your support and enthusiasm!

I haven't finalized the details yet, but here's what I can tell you. The pre-order will probably be at the full price of $19.99. I'm not going to mark it down as a way to entice people to pre-order; however, I will give you a free copy of the strategy guide when the game is done, containing level maps, hints, tricks, concept art, etc. Everyone who chooses to pre-order will be allowed access to a beta version of the game. The game isn't done yet, of course, but you'll get to play all of the completed levels. As I finish each stage, I'll issue an updated beta with the new levels, new features, bug fixes, etc. So in many respects, it will be like playing an episodic game - with each new update, more of the story will unfold. And, of course, since the game isn't finished yet, you'll also have the opportunity to give feedback, make suggestions, etc, and possibly influence the remaining development of the game.

Before I can make the game available for pre-order, there are some things that have to happen:

First, I need the game audio. Jesse should provide me with the draft copy of the music in the next few days, and hopefully the sound effects I need won't be too far behind. After that, there may be a few revisions once I get it in the game and we see how well it all works together.
* Second, there are some bugs that need fixing and some partially finished features that need, well, finishing.
Third, my testers have already identified some issues with the game balance in the early levels. I need to go back and make some tweaks, adding more ammo here and there, an extra health kit or two in some places, and so on.

If all goes well, the game may be available for pre-order as early as August. (Yikes, that's next month!)

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Tags: Misc
About the author -
Troy Hepfner
Former indie game developer

See more from me
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Hamish Jul 1, 2011
Interesting, though I can not help but feel the music undersells it a bit. Just a suggestion, but in my experience an active music track helps any side-scroller. :)
MyGameCompany Jul 1, 2011
Yeah. Unfortunately, I don't have the new music yet. So I clipped a bit of music from the original game. The first draft of the new music should be arriving within the next week or so. It's from the same musician that did the music for Rick Rocket, and he did a phenomenal job with that game, so I have high expectations for his Dirk 2 soundtrack. The next trailer will probably have the new music.
Brandon Smith Jul 1, 2011
I was going to say you're shooting people! But then I realized they were tranq darts :)
Rustybolts Jul 1, 2011
Looking forward to its release, I love old skool platform games.
MyGameCompany Jul 2, 2011
In case anyone is interested in why I chose to do a pre-order for the game, I just blogged about it:
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