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Oilrush pre-order USC

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Oilrush is now available to pre-order from the Ubuntu Software Centre priced at $19.95.
QuoteUnigine Corp. announces that Oil Rush, a naval strategy game, is now available for pre-order on Ubuntu Software Center, a built-in application store in Ubuntu Linux. The multi-platform game features native Linux support and stunning visuals.
Pre-order users get instant access to beta versions (with regular updates each 2 weeks as development moves on) and exclusive materials on the game.

http://oilrush-game.com/ Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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Hamish Aug 29, 2011
They have improved their website a bit since I last saw it. And they have finally got some coverage on some none Linux *cough* *phoronix* *cough* or Russian gamer websites.


Granted, it is Rock, Paper, Shotgun so it is not hard to get mentioned there, but still a step in the right direction. :)
Liam Dawe Aug 30, 2011
I still think buying from USC is a bad idea, being locked to a platform is not good. Still waiting on Desura.
Hamish Aug 30, 2011
It is nice to hear a Ubuntu user saying that. Still, checking on their blog, there seems to have been a Desura Linux post we missed:
Liam Dawe Aug 30, 2011
Actually i didnt miss it, just been so busy forgot to post about it.

Should be out soon anyway :)
Anonymous Aug 31, 2011
Quoting: "liamdawe, post: 2265"I still think buying from USC is a bad idea, being locked to a platform is not good. Still waiting on Desura.

Why? This is great solution for producers.
Liam Dawe Aug 31, 2011
Quoting: "Anonymous, post: 2268"Why? This is great solution for producers.

As i for one like to keep options open, even though i am a Ubuntu user i don't want to be locked down to Ubuntu so until USC is on other platforms i won't myself buy from it, but i won't steer people away from it either.

I just prefer Desura or Gameolith, buy once, multiple platforms, much more value for money to me.
KIAaze Sep 1, 2011
Another Ubuntu user here who still hasn't bought from the USC. ;)
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