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Breaking news: Keith Poole leaves Desura!

By - | Views: 5,690
Today I woke up to some sad news Desura Linux developer Keith Poole leaves company due to conflict of personality and differences of opinion with lead developer Mark Chandler.

I have contacted Desura for an official response but no word yet.
Update, Scott replied to my email with words of encouragement:
QuoteHi Liam,

Sure, Keith recently moved and was finding it difficult to dedicate all of
his time to Desura, so decided it was best to let Mark (lead developer) take
over the reigns of Linux support. Means a little more responsibility and
work for mark, but he has stepped up (working today infact) and we should
have a major update ready early next week :)


Scott Reismanis
Founder, End Boss
Desura Pty Ltd

(310) 929-5330
[email protected]

Sad news, Keith did make it a point to say he really hopes Desura is a success on Linux, well so do I!

Would like to wish Keith and Desura goodluck in the future!

More if/when I have it folks! Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Hamish Oct 7, 2011
Staz Oct 8, 2011
What is your source for this information? Is this confirmed somewhere? No offense but that's the only place where I have seen it
Liam Dawe Oct 8, 2011
It is the only place because i am the only one as far as i know that Keith told. Also updating the post in a second with Scotts official reply.

Edit -> Post has been updated, so you know we are also the website that interviewed Keith before and we are quoted in two official Desura blog posts - I don't pull news out of my backside ;)
Hamish Oct 10, 2011
Well, as long as the work keeps coming, whatever. Still wish Keith the best.
Liam Dawe Oct 10, 2011
The news is now on their latest blog post for confirmation ;)
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