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Ensign 1 kickstarter update!

By - | Views: 4,908
The fine folks over at Only Human Studios are still running their kickstarter campaign to get enough funds to give their new game Ensign 1 (I remembered the 1 this time...I still think Ensign sounds better!).

Ensign 1 teaser video:
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Now the promise of the game itself is sound, a space shooter with the ability to get out of your ships and onto bigger ships...pretty cool stuff.

They have currently reached $253/$1000 so they have gotten a good start, with 36 days left it should be easily achievable, $747 left to go folks! That's like 100 people donating ~$7.50 so come on folks that's not much!

My only real want from the campaign itself is more updates on what is happening, there hasn't been an update since November 8th. The more updates, the more people would be interested in the project itself and in donating funds. Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Brandon Smith Dec 2, 2011
We'll have a new video coming out soon, should be the update you are looking for.
In the meantime, the best place to stay current on the game is our indiedb page

vs the Kickstarter page.
Liam Dawe Dec 2, 2011
I look forward to a new update as checking that page no update for some time either :(
Bolts Dec 2, 2011
There are no recent articles but screenshots and videos with short descriptions of what we have been working on are more regular occurrences.
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