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Caster now on Desura!

By - | Views: 9,225
Caster is now on Desura!

QuoteDash across Scenic Locations destroying bug like creatures called the Flanx using 6 Unique Attacks that include Massive Terrain Deformation and High Speed Barrages of Energy Blasts!

Caster is an episodic game that presents an intense 3rd person action shooter experience with pulse pounding music that will keep you wanting more! And more you will have with all new episodes for FREE. That's right, buy the game once and get all additional episodes absolutely free!

There is a demo available too which is good to see not enough games offer demos nowadays!

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Desura sure is ramping up the games library but with developers like Puppy games taking a game off of Desura maybe things aren't so peachy? I hope that one is just a small hickup! Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
Tags: Misc
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Bumadar Dec 18, 2011
don't become as negative as Phoronix ;)
wonder how smooth steam was when it went live .... think it was when half life 1 came out... remember had to sigh up when I installed it back then
Liam Dawe Dec 18, 2011
Hah don't worry i'm not nearly as bad as he is :P which is why i said i hope it's just a hickup :)
KIAaze Dec 20, 2011
Quoting: "Bumadar, post: 2894, member: 93"don't become as negative as Phoronix ;)
wonder how smooth steam was when it went live .... think it was when half life 1 came out... remember had to sigh up when I installed it back then

I think you mean Half-Life 2. ;)
HL2 was pretty much my first and last steam game, apart from the HIB games, which I don't even play through steam. Portal I grabbed when it was available for free. :p
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