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CoreBreach racing coming to Desura for Linux!

By - | Views: 6,692

While I am a little late with this news (real life issues) CoreBreach a futuristic racer (think Wipeout) has been updated for cross platform play for Linux and will soon be coming to Desura as well.

QuoteVersion 1.1 of CoreBreach has been released after more than two months of development. The game has been largely rewritten for this version in order to support compatibility with Windows & Linux. Additionally the rendering engine has been overhauled for improved performance and modern OpenGL 3 support. An updated Demo is available now and the update has already been submitted to the Mac App Store and the Mac Game Store. The Windows and Linux versions of CoreBreach will soon come to Desura.

Full ChangeLog:
• Rewritten game & engine for cross-platform compatibility, improved performance & graphics
• Improved stability, compatibility, balancing and game-pad support
• Improvements for user-made custom racetracks
• Added four hidden "easter-eggs" throughout the game
• Added optional female voice sound-set and improved the sound effects and music

#More pictures ->
#Videos ->

The developer has confirmed for me that the full version for Linux should be up this week;
Quotehello liam

the "final" linux version should be done this week.

however, when it will be available on desura is unknown, we've put 4 beta versions over the last 6 weeks onto desura, but they haven't managed to release a single file yet.

i'll let you know when the final version is available in any way.

He also sent me a link to the beta, which I am downloading now to give it a try and let you all know what I think in a later write up! Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Bumadar Dec 6, 2011
interesting and good news:)
Boltz Dec 6, 2011
Deffo be purchasing love racers of which are somewhat lacking on Linux the best being Tuxkart and H-craft
Hamish Dec 6, 2011
Yeah me and a couple of people on the Phoronix forums were helping out with the beta testing on this one. Got it working better on the R600 Gallium drivers. :)

And it should help people be "patient" while waiting for the Linux relase of Ignite. ;)

Also, once again, best of luck Liam. Hope everything gets better soon. :(
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