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Ensign 1 kickstarter goal reached!

By - | Views: 10,892
Ensign 1 the awesome in development space shooter I have covered a few times has reached it's goal of hitting $1000 on Kickstarter, infact it's actually smashed it hitting currently $1273 with 68 hours to go!

Be sure to donate to give it the best chance possible to give us an interesting game to play!

Development trailer;
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It really is looking good, the only thing that currently bugs me is no mouse look and fire which Brandon said via GTalk that he does plan to implement it.

Remember folks it's very early in development. Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Brandon Smith Dec 27, 2011
The smashed it part is very much in thanks to our very own Zounas who donated a an outstandingly generous amount. I think Gameolith deserves a very special thank you as well for also being incredibly generous and most likely the reason we fought so hard to make this happen.

Also, can't believe you posted this, but thanks for your support :)
Cheeseness Dec 28, 2011
Just goes to show that people care more about space combat sims than the gaming industry seems to realise :D
Brandon Smith Dec 28, 2011
Now just convince THQ and maybe Volition can make another Descent of Freespace :)
Cheeseness Dec 28, 2011
And/or Interplay, I guess.

We can dream though, right? Maybe some new distributor will pick up Freespace and Freespace 2, triggering new sales and renewed interest.
Liam Dawe Dec 28, 2011
There is [url=""][/url] sell freespace :)
Cheeseness Dec 28, 2011
Yeah :)
I actually own a copy, but I'd totally buy it again if it were being sold as a Linux and/or MacOS title though.

(I currently run the open source client using the Windows data files and assorted community mods/enhancements under Linux, but that's a bit different to something that's being sold as a native product)
Liam Dawe Dec 28, 2011
I own it from there too, freespace2 is an awesome title all around might have to play it through again :)

Its why i have such high hopes for Ensign 1.
Brandon Smith Dec 28, 2011
You know I interviewed a couple times at Volition :) This is really all to show'em, haha.
Hamish Dec 28, 2011
Should really play more than just the demo for Descent one of these days...

Based on that trailer, my only real comment is that while it does seem evident that you are going for the "Grey Imperial Star Wars" look, a little bit more colour would not go a miss. Of course, early development, not the final look, blah blah blah... ;)

Still, based on that comment, when will Helena be on Gameolith? :)
Brandon Smith Dec 28, 2011
Iunno, ask Jon. And you're not the first to mention the overall greyness. We're working on it, but our poor Rusty has had to fill both shoes of the level designer and artist until we can find someone who can lend him a helping hand.
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