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Ensign 1 last push on Kickstarter

By - | Views: 5,946
One of the most promising and interesting space shooters to come from an indie developer all year ever Ensign 1 is nearing the last few days on it's Kickstarter campaign.

Thanks to a push from John at Gameolith who has pledged $150 if they hit there target (on kickstarter nothing is paid unless you reach the goal). I have also upped my contribution another $5 to give it a small push as well.

New video to show off recent advances;
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Remember the gameplay and graphics are still very early in development and with your pledges this can become a really great game!

They currently have $638/1000 with ~8 days left to go so not long, but not much to make either with $362 left to fill in the pot it's time to dig deep into your wallets folks and make it happen! Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Brandon Smith Dec 22, 2011
Well I was just coming on to post this in the forums, but it looks like you've saved me the trouble. Thanks buddy :)
Bumadar Dec 22, 2011
my 1st ever pledge, but I figured I got a new copy of steelstorm once I heard how his hib % was I might as well spend a bit on this.... did not know this went via amazon and amazon US knew my amazon UK password, confused me ;)
Liam Dawe Dec 22, 2011
Bumadar, the amazon system uses the same accounts for uk/us that's why it would know your login stuffs :)
Bumadar Dec 22, 2011
well it does now, back in the days it was different and since I not logged in to the US site for like 10 years now :P
Liam Dawe Dec 22, 2011
Hah yeah things tend to change after quite a few years :P
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