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FLARE v0.15 and v0.15.1

By - | Views: 5,464
FLARE the open source RPG engine & game has released a new version and a video to show it off. I say Engine & Game as the author describes it as this;

QuoteFlare (Free Libre Action Roleplaying Engine) is a simple game engine built to handle a very specific kind of game: single-player 2D action RPGs. Flare is not a reimplementation of an existing game or engine. It is a tribute to and exploration of the action RPG genre.

Rather than building a very abstract, robust game engine, the goal of this project is to build several real games and harvest an engine from the common, reusable code. The first game, in progress, is a fantasy dungeon crawl.

Flare uses simple file formats (INI style config files) for most of the game data, allowing anyone to easily modify game contents. Open formats are preferred (png, ogg). The game code is C++.

So they are building a game and out of it comes a re-usable engine, or something like that. It is similar in many ways to Diablo and Sacred.

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What was done for this release;
  • Now using TTF for fonts
  • All game data can be overwritten/added via mods
  • Translation support for the core engine and mods
  • New Grassland tileset
  • New questing areas: Frontier and Living Bones
  • Redesigned creatures are tougher and more varied

The next version TODO;
Quoteversion 0.16 "Advanced Enemies"

  • Add A* pathfinding for enemies that lose line-of-movement
  • Add enemy behavior classes
  • Add enemy spawning to powers

Looks like 0.16 will be pretty fun to play with some more interesting enemies!

It really is starting to look very nice the interface looks quite polished already and the graphics are quite crisp too! Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Bumadar Dec 30, 2011
for something labeled 0.15 it looks very polished, intresting, something to follow
Brandon Smith Dec 31, 2011
It's interesting that they talk so much about the technical side of things. I wonder who their audience is? Anyway, can't say know to more Diablo!
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