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Revenge of the Titans new version + removal from Desura

By - | Views: 24,992
Something that has been talked about on our shoutbox/chatbox is that Revenge of the Titans will be removed from Desura.

QuoteThis part of the post is likely to attract all manner of hate and flames, but it has to be said: Desura wasn’t working for us. We spend just as much time and stress figuring out how to release software on the Desura platform as Steam, but unfortunately make literally 1/1000th of the money. So little in fact I don’t think Desura have even managed to pay us any money yet. It doesn’t make sense for us to support Desura any more, and so we’re not. Don’t get me wrong – it’s a great client, their hearts are in the right place, but… we’re on Steam.

So my humble apologies to anyone with their eggs in the Desura basket. Contact us if you’ve got any issues.

That's the sad news out of way, it's a shame it seems like Desura needs to do a lot of work to accommodate developers and help them with publishing updates, something it seems Gameolith does a better job of so far (no complaints from anyone about them - plenty about Desura...).

Now for the good news - They have released a new version which will be up on the Humble Bundle #2 which features;
New mouse handling - completely re-done the mouse in the game.
General fixes to do with drivers - if the game wouldn't run before it might now!

Not many new features but it should in theory work a lot better.

Update - Cas from puppygames was kind enough to visit to give us an idea on what is happening (read the comments), it may even return to Desura with an auto-updating version solving the issues! Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Brandon Smith Dec 17, 2011
I might have a complaint about Gameolith :) But that's interesting to know about Desura, we might want to look somewhere else then. Thanks for sharing this info.

Gameolith has donated $150 to our Kickstarter campaign, and for the record we are very thankful for the right now![S][/S]
Padster Dec 17, 2011
"but... we're on Steam"
Well, whoop-de-do, I don't use Steam, and Steam has no Linux version anyway.
Liam Dawe Dec 17, 2011
Quoting: "Brandon Smith, post: 2882, member: 56"I might have a complaint about Gameolith :) But that's interesting to know about Desura, we might want to look somewhere else then. Thanks for sharing this info.

Okay so they can be a little slow at times :P
Brandon Smith Dec 17, 2011
I'd say it's more than just being slow.
Hamish Dec 17, 2011
What else have you heard about Desura and working with developers? I was not expecting it, but I have actually become surprisingly Desura loyal, so I would like to know more specifics if you have gotten them.
Liam Dawe Dec 17, 2011
The main thing is bug reports and such are filling up and their only client developer is on holiday for ~1 month :/ which is a huge pain, I don't personally have too many problems I am happy having it than not :D
Hamish Dec 17, 2011
They need more people. The only way that can happen is for them to get more money, and as such get more games. Seems to me the best way forward is to give them more games, as we need it in opposition to Steam. On all platforms.
Liam Dawe Dec 17, 2011
Yeah Steam has a bit of a monopoly in terms of user base right now.

The open sourcing of the client should move things along but we need lodle the main dev to come back off holiday and get it rolling properly.

Gameolith needs to add more titles too really.
Ben Dec 18, 2011
That's too bad. I don't really have the time these days to constantly check websites for game updates. I understand what they are saying, but I don't really agree with it. They need to give Desura time to gain popularity before writing it off. The Linux version has only been out for two months.
Bumadar Dec 18, 2011
weird, i cant find it now but somewhere read a developer saying publishing on desura was so smooth...... grrr cant find it
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