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Steel Storm 2 info

By - | Views: 4,538
Alex sent me word on some more information he has released on Steel Storm 2 the in-developement FPS game based in the same universe as Steel Storm Burning Retribution which was a top down shooter.

First up is a render of a weapon called a Plasma Flintlock;
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QuotePlasma Flintlock weapon (work in progress) of Steel Storm 2. Made basic shapes of the high poly model today in Blender. One thing is to draw it, another thing is to model it keeping initial design intact. With my initial design it was simply impossible to achieve functionality the weapon needs, so I had to tune the look a bit. However I will try to keep the look as close as possible to the sketch.

Looks rather nice, but still the texturing of it is what will make it look good in game, can't wait to see it fully completed.

Also another video just showing some interesting things he can do with cloth in the game engine;
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QuoteYet another wonder of Darkplaces game engine that powers Steel Storm 2 - real-time dynamic cloth prototype. All made with QuakeC, not a single line of engine code was added. ODE powers the physics simulations.

Can't wait to see more of Steel Storm 2! Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Bumadar Dec 10, 2011
:) i do hope the pre order was a success for the game so he can focus on it without to much worying
Liam Dawe Dec 10, 2011
Same here I don't tend to pre-order until much further along into development though, I am keeping a close eye on it as it would be really great to have a decent single and multi player FPS. We don't have enough single player FPS games.
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