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Towns having a comment contest giveaway!

By - | Views: 7,553
The newest Alpha Funded game on Desura - Towns is doing a comment give-away. All you need to do is make an "epic comment"....or just leave your name and they will be sending out free copies on Monday.

I have put my name down...

Need I say more? Well yeah probably here have a trailer;
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It's a game I covered briefly before which is a cross between a building game and an RPG game, it's very odd and very cool at the same time.

They have been keeping up with regular updates to the community pushing out releases, can't wait to see more of it myself!

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Giako Dec 10, 2011
If my town was like a Towns' town, I would go out and build to(w)ns of buildings so that I'd turn my town into a very big town!
Liam Dawe Dec 10, 2011
Giako you need to make your comment on their page linked in the article ;)
MaximB Dec 10, 2011
Too bad, I finally bought it today.
Liam Dawe Dec 11, 2011
Quoting: "MaximB, post: 2823, member: 3"Too bad, I finally bought it today.

Awesome, how are you finding it?
Bumadar Dec 11, 2011
tried the demo but was totally clueless so sort of gave up.
MaximB Dec 13, 2011
It's not bad for an alpha, there are still many things to fix and add - but it's surprisingly playable at this stage.
It's like Settlers in some way, I would recommend it.
You can also talk and make suggestions in he forums - and they might implant it.
Liam Dawe Dec 13, 2011
Well they nicely gave me a copy so I will no doubt give it a proper write up soonish :)
MaximB Dec 13, 2011
Quoting: "liamdawe, post: 2840, member: 1"Well they nicely gave me a copy so I will no doubt give it a proper write up soonish :)

Lucky you ;)

I also get free game copies sometimes, but for the most part a game that I intend to play I buy to support the poor indie developers ;)
Liam Dawe Dec 13, 2011
I didn't "ask" for it so to speak, i entered their competition :)

Besides there is nothing wrong with being given a copy over buying one, as then i post all about it which could infact get them a couple more sales from our visitors. Same for you - shouldn't feel bad, but you should never expect to be given a copy either.
MaximB Dec 13, 2011
Off course you didn't ask for it, as I never ask.
And I totally agree that there is nothing about receiving a free copy.
I'm not feeling bad about receiving a copy of a game that I know I wouldn't pay for ;)
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