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3079 new version!

By - | Views: 8,758

3079 the blocky RPG inspired by Minecraft and Fallout has released a new version! An odd game I took a test drive of before.

The new version has a tweaked look;

The game has been getting good ratings and is the most popular game on Desura right now!

QuoteFull list of changes in 2.3b:
    • New textures by Deon (from Bay12 forums) -- thanks!
    • Fixed: poison status carried over into other new games
    • Fixed: you could steal character's effects
    • Fixed: you could activate multiple antigrav devices
    • Fixed: quest targets sometimes didn't spawn correctly
    • Fixed: characters sometimes spawned with higher than normal levels
    • Fixed: items couldn't be picked up in downward elevators
    • Fixed: multiplayer lag (hopefully!)
    • Fixed: leaders would always be waiting for details on a quest in multiplayer
    • Fixed: players using camo in multiplayer should now always be correctly synced
    • Fixed: a rare crash when saving game
    • Fixed: conventional anti-aliasing will always be disabled to prevent crashes
    • Fixed: biome edges are now smooth
    • Made grappling hook/antigrav device use weight to determine if it can be used
    • Game is now saved periodically to prevent loss during unexpected exit of game
    • Updated crash window to say "Try turning off Advanced Graphics before contacting me"
    • Extended the day/night cycle a bit
    • Reduced the number of demons at night at the start of the game
    • Reduced the number of capital ships being spawned
    • Reduced the number of flying characters in general
    • Assault rifle now has a "burst fire" behavior
    • Stamina increases are now easier to get
    • Strength points now support more weight
    • Characters will now hold items properly, and they will be sized correctly
    • Made elevators wider & easier to use
    • Cancelling the graphics setting window will bring you back to the Main Menu
    • Added a "Poisoned!" warning message when poisoned by terrain
    • Other small tweaks to improve performance

Update: Phr00t just pushed out 3079 v2.3.1b which updates the underlying engine to fix a few more issues;

QuoteI have uploaded v2.3.1b to Desura. It should include some engine updates on top of all the updated textures and fixes. However, the primary "demo not working" fix isn't in 2.3.1b yet, because the jMonkeyEngine update hasn't been pushed to me yet with the fix. I will get this out in the next day or two. However, try 2.3.1b when it comes -- it might work for you if you had trouble before.
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