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Gameoliths newest titles!

By - | Views: 4,225
Not to be completely trumped by Desura, our next favourite website to buy games from Gameolith has recently added a few new titles!

Helena the 3rd!
Inspired by old school gameplay, Helena The 3rd is an action platformer where you pilot a jumping tank, all the while exploring underground caverns and battling hostile robotic enemies. Occasionally you'll need to leave your vehicle to explore rooms you can only get to on foot. Gameplay switches from 3rd person to FPS as you search for the powerful upgrades you'll need to reach new areas.
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Helena the 3rd is not available on Desura!

Three Dead Zed!
Three Dead Zed is an action/puzzle platformer drawn completely by hand. Breaking out of a testing facility, players take control of an experimental zombie that can transform into three unique and distinct forms. With quick reflexes, a little problem solving, and some rescued kittens, players make a violent exit that won't be forgotten by their captors.
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Memory Match
An old classic brought back to life with vivid photography and charming visuals. MemMatch is a great game for casual gamers and people looking for a game you can pick up and play a few minutes at a time.
Turn over two matching card faces and see how few flips you can achieve.
      Test your memory
      Over 30 card faces
      3 game modes
      Pick up and play!
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Brandon Smith Mar 23, 2012
Look at that Helena title ;)
Hamish Mar 24, 2012
As much as I like Desura, I wish Gameolith all the best. And it is nice to see Helena up somewhere new to. ;)
Brandon Smith Mar 24, 2012
I have to say, now that we're on the site, I quite like it. As a developer they seem to give us a lot of freedom and we can create keys to give out. I'd definitely consider doing business with them again in the future.
Rustybolts Mar 24, 2012
Quoting: "Hamish, post: 3815, member: 6"As much as I like Desura, I wish Gameolith all the best. And it is nice to see Helena up somewhere new to. ;)

Yes its available from Ubuntu Software Centre, Indievania, Indiecity, Our own website and now Gameolith also.
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