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More Tomes of Mephistopheles updates!

By - | Views: 9,286
Okay the up and coming dungeon crawler Tomes of Mephistopheles from Kot-In-Action (Makers of Steel Storm series) has had a few updates including a new video and a new version for pre-order customers!

For a 3D indie game it has some very nice looking graphics (which is hard to find in 3D indie titles!).

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Patch notes for the new version can be found here.

Starting to come together quite nicely, am watching this closely!

Now go pre-order yourself a copy to keep the developer in business! Alex is looking to get 3000 pre-orders to make sure he can really properly work on the game. Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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whizse Mar 1, 2012
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Sad to see that they're struggling to sell a measly 3000. I feel like buying a second copy just to distance myself from the jerks over on Phoronix :/
Liam Dawe Mar 1, 2012
I haven't read the Phoronix article but the title alone annoyed me when it popped up in my twitter feed, the guy can be such a moron.

Edit > Read the article Alex himself actually mentioned about the poor sales so Phoronix this time is just re-iterating their own words it's not actually Phoronix being jerks for once.
whizse Mar 1, 2012
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It wasn't the article so much as the comment thread. motorsep was basically threatening to throw in the towel when it comes to Linux support...
Liam Dawe Mar 1, 2012
Just quickly scanning over the comments now.

I get a bit of what people are saying, it has been shown a little early with barely anything to it, still it looks good though, i will be buying it once it is more complete so i can do something with my purchase....and when i have money spare...

People comparing it to skyrim though...lolwut skyrim had how much of a budget and how many people?! Some people expect far too much.
Beherit Mar 1, 2012
No matter what the posters over at phoronix are saying, motorsep's response was probably the worst way to react to the thread.
Liam Dawe Mar 1, 2012
Quoting: "Beherit, post: 3578, member: 138"No matter what the posters over at phoronix are saying, motorsep's response was probably the worst way to react to the thread.

Indeed, never feed the trolls.
motorsep Mar 2, 2012
I know that :) But I just couldn't believe that trolls are so hungry to give us some junk comments. I haven't seen Linux folks trolling in English as much, before Phoronix's forums, as I saw it in Russian here http://www.linux.org.ru/

Anyhow, we are not dropping Linux support. It was said to piss off trolls more :P So ToM and SS2 are on Linux 100%

Thank you for your support guys!
motorsep Mar 2, 2012
Quoting: "Beherit, post: 3578, member: 138"No matter what the posters over at phoronix are saying, motorsep's response was probably the worst way to react to the thread.

Why is that if you don't mind me asking? I am so tired to hear all these people who surf Inet all day, troll us and do nothing productive for the community.
Beherit Mar 2, 2012
Well, since you ask, the truth is that I read through the entire thread, and while they were not expressing themselves in the best way possible (they were being jerks/trolls/whatever), their main concern was that the video and the game didn't have much to show at this point.

I think that your post was posted while you were pissed off at the comments. While I can definitely understand how you felt at that point (I bet you were really pissed at the "they threw it all together in a week" style comments), I think you should have focused more on what they were saying instead on how they were saying it. So, in your response you should try to address relevant issues mentioned (that not much was revealed by the video at that point) while ignoring the obviously spiteful ones in a more calm way. After all, your goal isn't to beat the trolls at their own game, you should be trying to win them over.

As for the nothing productive part, I have to confess that I personally had no idea that you guys would follow these threads so much. I mean it makes sense now, but when I first posted on the relevant thread in this site it never crossed my mind that the developers might actually read what I'm saying. Same as me, many others are used to the idea that most comments will go unheard of, so you should expect to see unproductive comments all the time. As you can see for your self, the thread took a different turn right after your post, where replies were trying to rationalize previous posts and in a way got more productive. The same happened at the relevant thread in this site. But in phoronix the later replies are focused more on your reaction instead of the problems with the game presentation which they saw.

I'm not sure is my post sounds preachy or aggressive in any way, I can never tell, but I really hope it doesn't.

Just to be sure, here's a smiley :p
daemon Mar 2, 2012
oh btw, if you haven't seen this already:

Some news on modding and scripting in Tomes of Mephistopheles for anyone interested: http://www.kot-in-action.com/content/?p=350
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