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OpenMW 0.12.0 Released

By - | Views: 4,168
Hey Linux lovers,

The OpenMW team is proud to announce the release of version 0.12.0! Release packages are available on our Download page. This release notably includes NPC and Creature animation, though no A.I. has been implemented, so animations must be activated through console commands. Please review the following:


- Sounds other than music not working
- Scroll and button background graphics in launcher not working in Linux package

Important notes:

- You must remove all old openmw.cfg files in order for the automatic detection of Morrowind installations to work.
- If the data path is set manually and it contains spaces, it needs to be put inside quotation marks.


- Various rendering fixes and optimizations
- Refactored engine class
- Automatic package building
- Various build fixes and cleanup
- Various configuration fixes and cleanup, including detection of existing Morrowind installations
- Basic NPC/Creature animation support added, must be activated from console
- Basic implementation of Journal Window added
- Fix for local scripts continuing to run if associated object is deleted
- Fix for crash when taking screenshots
- Fix for crash when visiting Akulakhan’s Chamber
- Added catching of exceptions thrown in input handling functions
- Fix for NPC Activation not working properly
- Allow the player to move away from pre-defined cells

Here is a video of NPC animations
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And our official youtube channel Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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About the author -
OpenMW is an attempt to reimplement the popular role playing game Morrowind. It aims to be a fully playable, open source implementation of the game. You must own Morrowind to use OpenMW. You can watch short video-faq or read detailed information on [url=www.openmw.org]our site[/url]
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